[Types\is?] should add .strict option for Object values?
in that case, it would return true only if the object's type
is the given one. If it inherits the given type - including
something like is? :object someObj - would return false
# Pragmas
# Libraries
when not defined(WEB):
import oids
import sequtils, strutils
import sugar, tables, unicode
import helpers/conversion
import helpers/objects
import helpers/ranges
import vm/lib
import vm/[errors, exec]
# Definitions
proc defineLibrary*() =
# Functions
builtin "constructor",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "create a type constructor method automatically using given arguments",
args = {
"arguments" : {Literal, Block}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Method},
# TODO(Types\constructor) add documentation example
# labels: library, documentation, easy
example = """
var args: ValueArray
if xKind == Literal: args = @[x]
else: args = x.a
if (let constructorMethod = generatedConstructor(args); not constructorMethod.isNil):
# TODO(Types\constructor) should show error if the constructor cannot be generated
# labels: library, oop, error handling
# TODO(Types\define) add options for automated functions?
# Initially, I had thought of adding a `.having:` option that would
# automatically create an `init` method, simply assigning all arguments
# to `this` - but this is achievable, for simple functions, through the main
# block. That's what we're doing sort-of with `.sortable`, albeit I'm not
# even sure I like this one, or that it's that practical. Let's see...
# labels: library, enhancement, open discussion
builtin "define",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "define new type with given prototype",
args = {
"type" : {Type},
"prototype" : {Block, Dictionary, Type}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Nothing},
# TODO(Types\define) update documentation example
# to reflect changes to OOP aspects of Arturo in general
# and the `define` function in particular
# labels: library, documentation, easy
example = """
define :person [name surname age][
; magic method to be executed
; after a new object has been created
init: [
this\name: capitalize this\name
; magic method to be executed
; when the object is about to be printed
print: [
render "NAME: |this\name|, SURNAME: |this\surname|, AGE: |this\age|"
; magic method to be used
; when comparing objects (e.g. when sorting)
compare: [
if this\age = that\age -> return 0
if this\age < that\age -> return neg 1
if this\age > that\age -> return 1
sayHello: function [this][
ensure -> is? :person this
print ["Hello" this\name]
a: to :person ["John" "Doe" 35]
b: to :person ["jane" "Doe" 33]
print a
; NAME: John, SURNAME: Doe, AGE: 35
print b
; NAME: Jane, SURNAME: Doe, AGE: 33
sayHello a
; Hello John
a > b
; => true (a\age > b\age)
print join.with:"\n" sort @[a b]
; NAME: Jane, SURNAME: Doe, AGE: 33
; NAME: John, SURNAME: Doe, AGE: 35
print join.with:"\n" sort.descending @[a b]
; NAME: John, SURNAME: Doe, AGE: 35
; NAME: Jane, SURNAME: Doe, AGE: 33
var definitions: ValueDict = newOrderedTable[string,Value]()
var inherits: Value = VNULL
var super: ValueDict = newOrderedTable[string,Value]()
if y.kind == Block:
if (let constructorMethod = generatedConstructor(y.a); not constructorMethod.isNil):
definitions[$ConstructorM] = constructorMethod
for k,v in newDictionary(execDictionary(y)).d:
definitions[k] = v
elif y.kind == Dictionary:
for k,v in y.d:
definitions[k] = copyValue(v)
if y.tpKind == UserType:
if (let yproto = getType(y.tid); not yproto.isNil):
inherits = yproto.inherits
super = yproto.super
for k,v in yproto.content:
definitions[k] = copyValue(v)
# TODO(Types\define) check if inherited type is a BuiltinType
# how do we handle this?
# labels: error handling, enhancement
# Get fields
let fieldTable = getFieldTable(definitions)
setType(x.tid, newPrototype(x.tid, definitions, inherits, fieldTable, super))
# Debugging!!
# push newDictionary({
# "name": newString(x.tid),
# "definitions": newDictionary(definitions),
# "inherits": inherits,
# "fields": newDictionary(fieldTable)
# }.toOrderedTable)
builtin "is",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "get derivative type with given prototype",
args = {
"type" : {Type},
"prototype" : {Block,Dictionary}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Type},
# TODO(Types\is) add documentation example
# labels: library, documentation, easy
example = """
# Get our defined fields & methods
# as a dictionary
var definitions: ValueDict = newOrderedTable[string,Value]()
var extra: ValueDict = newOrderedTable[string,Value]()
var inherits: Value = VNULL
var super = newOrderedTable[string,Value]()
if x.tpKind == UserType:
if (let xproto = getType(x.tid); not xproto.isNil):
inherits = x
for k,v in xproto.content:
if v.kind == Method:
super[k] = v.uninjectingThis()
definitions[k] = copyValue(v)
# if x.t in {Integer, Floating, Rational, Complex, Quantity}:
# for k,v in newDictionary(execDictionary(doParse(GenerateNumericSubtype.replace("%TYPE%",":" & ($(x.t)).toLowerAscii()), isFile=false))).d:
# super[k] = v.uninjectingThis()
# definitions[k] = copyValue(v)
# else:
if y.kind == Block:
if (let constructorMethod = generatedConstructor(y.a); not constructorMethod.isNil):
extra[$ConstructorM] = constructorMethod
for k,v in newDictionary(execDictionary(y)).d:
extra[k] = v
for k,v in y.d:
extra[k] = copyValue(v)
for k,v in extra:
if v.kind == Method:
if (let superF = super.getOrDefault(k, nil); not superF.isNil):
definitions[k] = v.injectingSuper(superF)
definitions[k] = copyValue(v)
definitions[k] = v
let tmpTid = x.tid & "_" & $(genOid())
setType(tmpTid, newPrototype("_" & x.tid, definitions, inherits, super))
push newUserType(tmpTid)
builtin "sortable",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "create a sort descriptor method automatically using given type field",
args = {
"field" : {Literal}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Method},
# TODO(Types\sortable) add documentation example
# labels: library, documentation, easy
example = """
# TODO(Types\to) revise attributes
# the attributes to this function seem to me a bit confusing. I mean, `to` is
# supposed to convert a value to a given type. Obviously, if we convert a Block
# value e.g. to a Color, we may need to check whether the contained values are HSL
# or HSV or whatever, but having 2 extra options, for one type only (that on top of
# it, I haven't ever used even myself - not once!), in a function that does 1 million
# other things, seems like not a good idea. Also, if we start sticking options here
# for different things (e.g. why not take all options from `dictionary` and include them
# all here as well?), this is going to end up being monstrous...
# labels: library, enhancement, cleanup, open discussion
# TODO(Types\to) `.format` could become a distinct function?
# having a `format` function (in the Strings module?) would make a lot of sense
# actually, plus it would help us to start getting rid of things that don't belong to `to`
# leaving the function cleaner and much more to-the-point
# labels: library, enhancement, cleanup, open discussion
builtin "to",
alias = unaliased,
op = opTo,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "convert value to given type",
args = {
"type" : {Type,Block},
"value" : {Any}
attrs = {
"format" : ({String},"use given format (for dates or floating-point numbers)"),
"unit" : ({String,Literal},"use given unit (for quantities)"),
"intrepid" : ({Logical},"convert to bytecode without error-line tracking"),
"hsl" : ({Logical},"convert HSL block to color"),
"hsv" : ({Logical},"convert HSV block to color")
returns = {Any},
example = """
to :integer "2020" ; 2020
to :integer `A` ; 65
to :char 65 ; `A`
to :integer 4.3 ; 4
to :floating 4 ; 4.0
to :complex [1 2] ; 1.0+2.0i
; make sure you're using the `array` (`@`) converter here, since `neg` must be evaluated first
to :complex @[2.3 neg 4.5] ; 2.3-4.5i
to :rational [1 2] ; 1/2
to :rational @[neg 3 5] ; -3/5
to :boolean 0 ; false
to :boolean 1 ; true
to :boolean "true" ; true
to :literal "symbol" ; 'symbol
to :string 2020 ; "2020"
to :string 'symbol ; "symbol"
to :string :word ; "word"
to :string .format:"dd/MM/yy" now
; 22/03/21
to :string .format:".2f" 123.12345
; 123.12
to :block "one two three" ; [one two three]
do to :block "print 123" ; 123
to :date 0 ; => 1970-01-01T01:00:00+01:00
print now ; 2021-05-22T07:39:10+02:00
to :integer now ; => 1621661950
to :date .format:"dd/MM/yyyy" "22/03/2021"
; 2021-03-22T00:00:00+01:00
to [:string] [1 2 3 4]
; ["1" "2" "3" "4"]
to [:char] "hello"
; [`h` `e` `l` `l` `o`]
define :person [name surname age][]
to :person ["John" "Doe" 35]
; [name:John surname:Doe age:35]
to :color [255 0 10]
; => #FF000A
to :color .hsl [255 0.2 0.4]
; => #5C527A
if xKind==Type:
let tp = x.t
push convertedValueToType(x, y, tp, popAttr("format"))
var ret: ValueArray
let elem {.cursor.} = x.a[0]
requireValue(elem, {Type})
let tp = elem.t
if yKind==String:
ret = toSeq(runes(y.s)).map((c) => newChar(c))
let aFormat = popAttr("format")
if yKind == Block:
for item in y.a:
ret.add(convertedValueToType(elem, item, tp, aFormat))
for item in items(y.rng):
ret.add(convertedValueToType(elem, item, tp, aFormat))
push newBlock(ret)
builtin "type",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "get type of given value",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Type},
example = """
print type 18966 ; :integer
print type "hello world" ; :string
if xKind != Object:
# Predicates
builtin "attribute?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :attribute",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
attribute? first [.something x]
; => true
builtin "attributeLabel?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :attributeLabel",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
attributeLabel? first [.something: x]
; => true
builtin "binary?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :binary",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
binary? to :binary "string"
; => true
builtin "block?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :block",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print block? [1 2 3] ; true
print block? #[name: "John"] ; false
print block? "hello" ; false
print block? 123 ; false
builtin "bytecode?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :bytecode",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
code: [print 1 + 2]
bcode: to :bytecode code
print bytecode? bcode ; true
print bytecode? code ; false
builtin "char?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :char",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print char? `a` ; true
print char? 123 ; false
builtin "color?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :color",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print color? #FF0000 ; true
print color? #green ; true
print color? 123 ; false
builtin "complex?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :complex",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
c: to :complex [1 2]
print complex? c ; true
print complex? 123 ; false
builtin "database?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :database",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
database? open "my.db"
; => true
builtin "date?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :date",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print date? now ; true
print date? "hello" ; false
builtin "defined?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given type is defined",
args = {
"type" : {Type, String, Literal, Word}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
# TODO(Types\defined?) add documentation example
# labels: library, documentation, easy
example = """
if xKind == Type:
if x.tpKind == BuiltinType:
push(newLogical(not getType(x.tid).isNil))
discard parseEnum[ValueKind](x.s.capitalizeAscii())
let tp = getType(x.s, safe=true)
push(newLogical(not (tp.isNil or tp == NoPrototypeFound)))
builtin "dictionary?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :dictionary",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print dictionary? #[name: "John"] ; true
print dictionary? 123 ; false
builtin "error?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :error",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
error? try -> throw "Some Error"
; => true
builtin "errorKind?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :errorKind",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
errorKind? to :errorKind "Some error kind"
; => true
errorKind? genericError
; => true
builtin "inline?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :inline",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
inline? first [(something) x]
; => true
builtin "integer?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :integer",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = {
"big" : ({Logical},"check if, internally, it's a bignum")
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print integer? 123 ; true
print integer? "hello" ; false
integer?.big 123 ; => false
integer?.big 12345678901234567890 ; => true
if (hadAttr("big")):
push(newLogical(xKind==Integer and x.iKind==BigInteger))
# TODO(Types\is?) should add `.strict` option for Object values?
# in that case, it would return true only if the object's type
# is the given one. If it inherits the given type - including
# something like `is? :object someObj` - would return false
# labels: library, enhancement, open discussion
builtin "is?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "check whether value is of given type",
args = {
"type" : {Type,Block},
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
is? :string "hello" ; => true
is? :block [1 2 3] ; => true
is? :integer "boom" ; => false
is? [:string] ["one" "two"] ; => true
is? [:integer] [1 "two] ; => false
if yKind != Object:
if xKind == Type:
if x.t == Any:
push(newLogical(x.t == yKind))
let elem {.cursor.} = x.a[0]
requireValue(elem, {Type})
let tp = elem.t
var res = true
if tp != Any:
if yKind != Block:
res = false
if y.a.len==0:
res = false
for item in y.a:
if tp != item.kind:
res = false
push newLogical(res)
if x.t in {Object,Any} and x.tpKind == BuiltinType:
if x.tpKind == BuiltinType:
let givenPrototype = getType(x.tid, safe=true)
if givenPrototype == NoPrototypeFound:
var found = false
var currentPrototype = y.proto
while true:
# TODO(Types\is?) better inheritance identification needed
# right now, we're merely comparing the names of the prototypes
# but what if the prototype has been redefined in the meantime?
# we actually have to implement a proper `==` overload for
# Prototype values!
# labels: bug, values
if currentPrototype.name == givenPrototype.name:
found = true
if y.proto.inherits == VNULL: break
if (let newProto = getType(y.proto.inherits.tid, safe=true); newProto != NoPrototypeFound):
currentPrototype = newProto
builtin "floating?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :floating",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print floating? 3.14 ; true
print floating? 123 ; false
print floating? "hello" ; false
builtin "function?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :function",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = {
"builtin" : ({Logical},"check if, internally, it's a built-in")
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print function? $[x][2*x] ; true
print function? var 'print ; true
print function? "print" ; false
print function? 123 ; false
f: function [x][x+2]
function? var'f ; => true
function? var'print ; => true
function?.builtin var'f ; => false
function?.builtin var'print ; => true
if (hadAttr("builtin")):
push(newLogical(xKind==Function and x.fnKind==BuiltinFunction))
builtin "label?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :label",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
label? first [something: x]
; => true
builtin "literal?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :literal",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print literal? 'x ; true
print literal? "x" ; false
print literal? 123 ; false
builtin "logical?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :logical",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print logical? true ; true
print logical? false ; true
print logical? maybe ; true
print logical? 1=1 ; true
print logical? 123 ; false
builtin "method?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :method",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
# TODO(Types\method?) add documentation example
# labels: library, documentation, easy
example = """
push(newLogical(xKind == Method))
builtin "null?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :null",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print null? null ; true
print null? ø ; true
print null? 123 ; false
builtin "object?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is a custom-type object",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
define :person [name,surname][]
x: to :person ["John","Doe"]
print object? x ; true
print object? "hello" ; false
builtin "path?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :path",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
path? first [a\b\c x]
; => true
builtin "pathLabel?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :pathLabel",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
pathLabel? first [a\b\c: x]
; => true
builtin "pathLiteral?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :pathLiteral",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
pathLiteral? 'a\b\c
; => true
builtin "quantity?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :quantity",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = {
"big" : ({Logical},"check if, internally, it's a bignum")
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print quantity? 1:m ; true
print quantity? 2:yd2 ; true
print quantity? 3 ; false
if (hadAttr("big")):
push(newLogical(xKind==Quantity and x.q.original.rKind==BigRational))
builtin "range?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :range",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
r: 1..3 ; r: [1 2 3]
print range? r ; true
print range? [1 2 3] ; false
builtin "rational?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :rational",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = {
"big" : ({Logical},"check if, internally, it's a bignum")
returns = {Logical},
example = """
r: to :rational 3.14 ; r: 157/50
print rational? r ; true
print rational? 3.14 ; false
if (hadAttr("big")):
push(newLogical(xKind==Rational and x.rat.rKind==BigRational))
builtin "regex?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :regex",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print regex? {/[a-z]+/} ; true
print regex? "[a-z]+" ; false
print regex? 123 ; false
builtin "set?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "check if given variable is defined",
args = {
"symbol" : {String,Literal}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
boom: 12
print set? 'boom ; true
print set? 'zoom ; false
builtin "socket?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :socket",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
server: listen 18966
socket? server
; => true
builtin "store?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :store",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
store? config
; => true
builtin "string?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :string",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print string? "x" ; true
print string? 'x ; false
print string? 123 ; false
builtin "symbol?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :symbol",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
symbol? first [+ x]
; => true
builtin "symbolLiteral?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :symbolLiteral",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
symbolLiteral? '++
; => true
builtin "type?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :type",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print type? :string ; true
print type? "string" ; false
print type? 123 ; false
builtin "unit?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :unit",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
unit? `m
; => true
builtin "version?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :version",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
print version? 1.0.2 ; true
print version? "1.0.2" ; false
builtin "word?",
alias = unaliased,
op = opNop,
rule = PrefixPrecedence,
description = "checks if given value is of type :word",
args = {
"value" : {Any}
attrs = NoAttrs,
returns = {Logical},
example = """
word? first [something x]
; => true
# Add Library
No newline at end of file
ndex ee3b1567fd..8fe9b44c2b 100644
++ b/src/library/Ui.nim
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.
[Types\is?] should add
option for Object values? in that case, it would return true only if the object's type is the given one. If it inherits the given type - including something likeis? :object someObj
- would return falsehttps://github.com/arturo-lang/arturo/blob/411617a1906063cf0adfd3ac06804dc4b29403a0/src/library/Types.nim#L717