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[Comparison\between?] deprecate the support for some types #1606

Open github-actions[bot] opened 2 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

[Comparison\between?] deprecate the support for some types Right now this uses a generic algorithm and :any as entry, but does it even makes sense?

between? #[user: "Rick"] #[user: "Rick"] #[user: "Rick"]

The above code returns true, but what is the sense of seeing if a dictionary is between other two. I think this should be good to limit what types can be between other ones.


    # TODO(Comparison\between?): deprecate the support for some types
    # Right now this uses a generic algorithm and :any as entry, but does it even makes sense?
    # ```art
    # between? #[user: "Rick"] #[user: "Rick"] #[user: "Rick"]
    # ``` 
    # The above code returns true, but what is the sense of seeing if a dictionary is between other two.
    # I think this should be good to limit what types can be between other ones.
    # labels: library, open-discussion
    builtin "between?",
        alias       = thickarrowboth, 
        op          = opNop,
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