# Arturo
# Programming Language + Bytecode VM compiler
# (c) 2019-2021 Yanis Zafirópulos
# @file: helpers/templates.nim
# Libraries
import sequtils, strutils, tables
import nre except toSeq
import vm/[exec, parse, stack, value]
# Constants
Interpolated = nre.re"\|([^\|]+)\|"
Embeddable = nre.re"(\<\|.*?\|\>)"
# Helpers
proc renderInterpolated(s: string, recursive: bool, useReference: bool, reference: ValueDict): string =
result = s
var keepGoing = true
if recursive:
keepGoing = result.find(Interpolated).isSome
while keepGoing:
result = result.replace(Interpolated, proc (match: RegexMatch): string =
discard execBlock(doParse(match.captures[0], isFile=false))
# if recursive, check if there's still more embedded tags
# otherwise, break out of the loop
if recursive: keepGoing = result.find(Interpolated).isSome
else: keepGoing = false
# TODO renderTemplate does not respect newlines in multi-line input
# check `templates.art` for the inconsistency
proc renderTemplate(s: string, recursive: bool, useReference: bool, reference: ValueDict): string =
result = s
var keepGoing = true
if recursive:
keepGoing = result.find(Embeddable).isSome
while keepGoing:
# split input by tags
var splitted = result.split(Embeddable)
var blk: seq[string] = @[]
# go through the token one-by-one
for i,spl in splitted:
if spl.match(Embeddable).isNone:
# if it's not an embedded tag,
# added as a string - split by lines
blk.add(codify(newString(spl), safeStrings=true))
# let stripped = spl.strip()
# if stripped != "" and (stripped[^1] in {'\r','\n'}):
# blk.add("\"\\n\"")
# otherwise, clean it up
var parseable = spl.strip(chars = {'<', '>', '|'})
var output = false
if parseable[0] == '=':
output = true
parseable = parseable.strip(chars = {'='})
# if it's a <|: something |> tag, stringify it
if output:
let subscript = blk.join(" ")
let parsed = doParse(subscript, isFile=false)
# execute/reduce ('array') the resulting block
let stop = SP
discard execBlock(parsed)
let arr: ValueArray = sTopsFrom(stop)
SP = stop
# and join the different strings
result = arr.map(proc (v:Value):string = v.s).join()
# if recursive, check if there's still more embedded tags
# otherwise, break out of the loop
if recursive: keepGoing = result.find(Embeddable).isSome
else: keepGoing = false
# Methods
proc renderString*(s: string, useEngine: bool = false, recursive: bool = false, reference: ValueDict = initOrderedTable[string,Value]()): string =
if useEngine:
renderTemplate(s, recursive, (len(reference)>0), reference)
renderInterpolated(s, recursive, (len(reference)>0), reference)
ndex 6e696754..75e4cab6 100644
++ b/src/library/Collections.nim
renderTemplate does not respect newlines in multi-line input
for the inconsistencyhttps://github.com/arturo-lang/arturo/blob/ce74178361b35adf49baa85b3f6c0bbf29dad967/src/helpers/templates.nim#L48