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[VM/values/types] add new `:typeset` type? #741

Open github-actions[bot] opened 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

[VM/values/types] add new :typeset type?

or... could this be encapsulated in our existing :type values?

# Programming Language + Bytecode VM compiler
# (c) 2019-2022 Yanis Zafirópulos
# @file: vm/values/types.nim

# Libraries

import tables, times, unicode

when not defined(NOSQLITE):
    import db_sqlite as sqlite

when defined(WEB):
    import std/jsbigints

when not defined(NOGMP):
    import helpers/bignums

import helpers/bytes

import vm/values/custom/[vcolor, vcomplex, vquantity, vrational, vregex]

# Types

    ValueArray* = seq[Value]
    ValueDict*  = OrderedTable[string,Value]

    Translation* = ref object
        constants*: ValueArray
        instructions*: ByteArray

    IntArray*   = seq[int]

    BuiltinAction* = proc ()

    SymbolKind* = enum
        thickarrowleft          # <=
        thickarrowright         # =>
        thickarrowboth          # <=>
        thickarrowdoubleleft    # <<=
        thickarrowdoubleright   # =>>
        thickarrowdoubleboth    # <<=>>
        arrowleft               # <-
        arrowright              # ->
        arrowboth               # <->
        arrowdoubleleft         # <<-
        arrowdoubleright        # ->>
        arrowdoubleboth         # <<->>
        reversearrowleft        # -<
        reversearrowright       # >-
        reversearrowboth        # >-<
        reversearrowdoubleleft  # -<<
        reversearrowdoubleright # >>-
        reversearrowdoubleboth  # >>-<<
        doublearrowleft         # <<
        doublearrowright        # >>
        triplearrowleft         # <<<
        triplearrowright        # >>>
        longarrowleft           # <--
        longarrowright          # -->
        longarrowboth           # <-->
        longthickarrowleft      # <==
        longthickarrowright     # ==>
        longthickarrowboth      # <==>
        tildeleft               # <~
        tilderight              # ~>
        tildeboth               # <~>
        triangleleft            # <|
        triangleright           # |>
        triangleboth            # <|>

        equalless               # =<
        greaterequal            # >=
        lessgreater             # <>

        lesscolon               # <:
        minuscolon              # -:
        greatercolon            # >:

        tilde                   # ~
        exclamation             # !
        doubleexclamation       # !!
        question                # ?
        doublequestion          # ??
        at                      # @
        sharp                   # #
        doublesharp             # ## 
        triplesharp             # ###
        quadruplesharp          # ####
        quintuplesharp          # #####
        sextuplesharp           # ######
        dollar                  # $
        percent                 # %
        caret                   # ^
        ampersand               # &
        asterisk                # *
        minus                   # -
        doubleminus             # --
        underscore              # _
        equal                   # =
        doubleequal             # ==
        approxequal             # =~
        plus                    # +
        doubleplus              # ++

        lessthan                # <
        greaterthan             # >

        slash                   # /
        slashpercent            # %/
        doubleslash             # //
        backslash               # 
        doublebackslash         #
        logicaland              #
        logicalor               #
        pipe                    # |     
        turnstile               # |-
        doubleturnstile         # |=

        ellipsis                # ..
        longellipsis            # ...
        dotslash                # ./
        colon                   # :
        doublecolon             # ::
        doublepipe              # ||

        slashedzero             # ø
        infinite                # ∞

        unaliased               # used only for builtins

    # TODO(VM/values/types add new `:matrix` type?
    #  this would normally go with a separate Linear Algebra-related stdlib module
    #  labels: vm, values, enhancement, open discussion

    # TODO(VM/values/types) add new `:typeset` type?
    #  or... could this be encapsulated in our existing `:type` values?
    #  labels: vm, values, enhancement, open discussion

    # TODO(VM/values/types) add new lazy-sequence/range type?
    #  Right now, declaring a block or a range - e.g. `1..10` - actually pushes all required elements into a new block.
    #  If their number is quite high, then there are some obvious performance-related drawbacks.
    #  It would be great if we could define some special sequences, only by their limits - including infinity - and have our regular functions, especially iterators, operate on them!
    #  labels: vm, values, library, enhancement, open discussion
    ValueKind* = enum
        Null            = 0
        Logical         = 1
        Integer         = 2
        Floating        = 3
        Complex         = 4
        Rational        = 5
        Version         = 6
        Type            = 7
        Char            = 8
        String          = 9
        Word            = 10
        Literal         = 11
        Label           = 12
        Attribute       = 13
        AttributeLabel  = 14
        Path            = 15
        PathLabel       = 16
        Symbol          = 17
        SymbolLiteral   = 18

        Quantity        = 19
        Regex           = 20
        Color           = 21
        Date            = 22
        Binary          = 23
        Dictionary      = 24
        Object          = 25
        Function        = 26
        Inline          = 27
        Block           = 28
        Database        = 29
        Bytecode        = 30

        Newline         = 31
        Nothing         = 32
        Any             = 33

    ValueSpec* = set[ValueKind]

    IntegerKind* = enum

    FunctionKind* = enum

    TypeKind* = enum

    DatabaseKind* = enum

    PrecedenceKind* = enum

    AliasBinding* = object
        precedence*: PrecedenceKind
        name*:       Value

    Prototype* = ref object
        name*       : string
        fields*     : ValueArray
        methods*    : ValueDict
        inherits*   : Prototype

    SymbolDict*   = OrderedTable[SymbolKind,AliasBinding]

    logical* = enum
        False = 0, 
        True = 1,
        Maybe = 2

    Value* {.acyclic.} = ref object 
        info*: string

        case kind*: ValueKind:
            of Null,
               Any:        discard 
            of Logical:     b*  : logical
            of Integer:  
                case iKind*: IntegerKind:
                    # TODO(VM/values/types) Wrap Normal and BigInteger in one type
                    #  Perhaps, we could do that via class inheritance, with the two types inheriting a new `Integer` type, provided that it's properly benchmarked first.
                    #  labels: vm, values, enhancement, benchmark, open discussion 
                    of NormalInteger:   i*  : int
                    of BigInteger:      
                        when defined(WEB):
                            bi* : JsBigInt
                        elif not defined(NOGMP):
                            bi* : Int    
            of Floating: f*: float
            of Complex:     z*  : VComplex
            of Rational:    rat*  : VRational
            of Version: 
                major*   : int
                minor*   : int
                patch*   : int
                extra*   : string
            of Type:        
                t*  : ValueKind
                case tpKind*: TypeKind:
                    of UserType:    ts* : Prototype
                    of BuiltinType: discard
            of Char:        c*  : Rune
            of String,
               Label:       s*  : string
            of Attribute,
               AttributeLabel:   r*  : string
            of Path,
               PathLabel:   p*  : ValueArray
            of Symbol,
                   m*  : SymbolKind
            of Regex:       rx* : VRegex
            of Quantity:
                nm*: Value
                unit*: VQuantity
            of Color:       l*  : VColor
            of Date:        
                e*     : ValueDict         
                eobj*  : DateTime
            of Binary:      n*  : ByteArray
            of Inline,
                   a*       : ValueArray
                   data*    : Value
                   dirty*   : bool
            of Dictionary:  d*  : ValueDict
            of Object:
                o*: ValueDict   # fields
                proto*: Prototype # custom type pointer
            of Function:    
                args*   : OrderedTable[string,ValueSpec]
                attrs*  : OrderedTable[string,(ValueSpec,string)]
                returns*: ValueSpec
                example*: string
                case fnKind*: FunctionKind:
                    of UserFunction:
                        # TODO(VM/values/types) merge Function `params` and `args` into one field?
                        #  labels: vm, values, enhancement
                        params*     : Value
                        main*       : Value
                        imports*    : Value
                        exports*    : Value
                        exportable* : bool
                        memoize*    : bool
                    of BuiltinFunction:
                        fname*      : string
                        alias*      : SymbolKind
                        prec*       : PrecedenceKind
                        # TODO(VM/values/types) `arity` should be common to both User and BuiltIn functions
                        #  Usually, when we want to get a User function's arity, we access its `params.a.len` - this doesn't make any sense. Plus, it's slower.
                        #  labels: vm, values, enhancement
                        arity*      : int
                        action*     : BuiltinAction

            of Database:
                case dbKind*: DatabaseKind:
                    of SqliteDatabase: 
                        when not defined(NOSQLITE):
                            sqlitedb*: sqlite.DbConn
                    of MysqlDatabase: discard
                    #mysqldb*: mysql.DbConn
            of Bytecode:
                trans*: Translation

            of Newline:
                line*: int
ndex fed095f59c..588e2c8737 100644
++ b/src/vm/values/value.nim


stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 10 months ago

Closing issue as stale.

stale[bot] commented 2 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.