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Fix pretty-printing for unwrapped blocks #776

Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Fix pretty-printing for unwrapped blocks

Indentation is not working right for inner dictionaries and blocks

Check: print as.pretty.code.unwrapped info.get 'get

        of Nothing: discard
 No newline at end of file
        of ANY: discard

proc dump*(v: Value, level: int=0, isLast: bool=false, muted: bool=false, prepend="") {.exportc.} = 
    proc dumpPrimitive(str: string, v: Value) =
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{bold(greenColor)}{str}{fg(grayColor)} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}{resetColor}")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("{str} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}")

    proc dumpIdentifier(v: Value) =
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}{v.s}{fg(grayColor)} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}{resetColor}")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("{v.s} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}")

    proc dumpAttribute(v: Value) =
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}{v.s}{fg(grayColor)} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}{resetColor}")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("{v.s} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}")

    proc dumpSymbol(v: Value) =
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}{v.m}{fg(grayColor)} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}{resetColor}")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("{v.m} :{($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()}")

    proc dumpBinary(b: Byte) =
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}{fg(grayColor)}{b:02X} {resetColor}")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("{b:02X} ")

    proc dumpBlockStart(v: Value) =
        var tp = ($(v.kind)).toLowerAscii()
        if v.kind==Object: tp =
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{bold(magentaColor)}[{fg(grayColor)} :{tp}{resetColor}\n")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("[ :{tp}\n")

    proc dumpBlockEnd() =
        for i in 0..level-1: stdout.write "\t"
        if not muted:   stdout.write fmt("{bold(magentaColor)}]{resetColor}")
        else:           stdout.write fmt("]")

    proc dumpHeader(str: string) =
        if not muted: stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}{fg(cyanColor)}")
        let lln = "================================\n"
        for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"
        stdout.write lln
        for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"
        stdout.write " " & str & "\n"
        for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"
        stdout.write lln
        if not muted: stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}")

    for i in 0..level-1: stdout.write "\t"

    if prepend!="":
        stdout.write prepend

    case v.kind:
        of Null         : dumpPrimitive("null",v)
        of Logical      : dumpPrimitive($(v.b), v)
        of Integer      : 
            if likely(v.iKind==NormalInteger): dumpPrimitive($(v.i), v)
                when defined(WEB) or not defined(NOGMP):
                    dumpPrimitive($(, v)
        of Floating     :
            #if v.fKind==NormalFloating:
            if v.f==Inf: dumpPrimitive("∞", v)
            elif v.f==NegInf: dumpPrimitive("-∞", v)
            else: dumpPrimitive($(v.f), v)
            # else:
            #     when not defined(WEB) and not defined(NOGMP): 
            #         dumpPrimitive($(, v)
        of Complex      : dumpPrimitive($( & (if >= 0: "+" else: "") & $( & "i", v)
        of Rational     : dumpPrimitive($(v.rat), v)
        of Version      : dumpPrimitive(fmt("{v.major}.{v.minor}.{v.patch}{v.extra}"), v)
        of Type         : 
            if v.tpKind==BuiltinType:
                dumpPrimitive(($(v.t)).toLowerAscii(), v)
                dumpPrimitive(, v)
        of Char         : dumpPrimitive($(v.c), v)
        of String       : dumpPrimitive(v.s, v)

        of Word,
           Label        : dumpIdentifier(v)

        of Attribute,
           AttributeLabel    : dumpAttribute(v)

        of Path,
           PathLabel    :

            for i,child in v.p:
                dump(child, level+1, i==(v.a.len-1), muted=muted)

            stdout.write "\n"


        of Symbol, 
           SymbolLiteral: dumpSymbol(v)

        of Quantity     : dumpPrimitive($(v.nm) & ":" & stringify(, v)

        of Regex        : dumpPrimitive($(v.rx), v)

        of Color        : dumpPrimitive($(v.l), v)

        of Date         : 

            let keys = toSeq(v.e.keys)

            if keys.len > 0:
                let maxLen = ( (x: string):int = x.len)).max + 2

                for key,value in v.e:
                    for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"

                    stdout.write unicode.alignLeft(key & " ", maxLen) & ":"

                    dump(value, level+1, false, muted=muted)


        of Binary       : 

            for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"
            for i,child in v.n:
                if (i+1) mod 20 == 0:
                    stdout.write "\n"
                    for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"

            stdout.write "\n"


        # TODO(VM/values/value) `dump` doesn't print nested blocks/dictionaries properly
        #  try: `inspect #[a:#[b: 'c]]`
        #  labels: enhancement, values
        of Inline,
            Block        :
            for i,child in cleanV:
                dump(child, level+1, i==(cleanV.len-1), muted=muted)

            stdout.write "\n"


        of Dictionary   : 

            let keys = toSeq(v.d.keys)

            if keys.len > 0:
                let maxLen = ( (x: string):int = x.len)).max + 2

                for key,value in v.d:
                    for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"

                    stdout.write unicode.alignLeft(key & " ", maxLen) & ":"

                    dump(value, level+1, false, muted=muted)


        of Object   : 

            let keys = toSeq(v.o.keys)

            if keys.len > 0:
                let maxLen = ( (x: string):int = x.len)).max + 2

                for key,value in v.o:
                    for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"

                    stdout.write unicode.alignLeft(key & " ", maxLen) & ":"

                    dump(value, level+1, false, muted=muted)


        of Function     : 

            if v.fnKind==UserFunction:
                dump(v.params, level+1, false, muted=muted)
                dump(v.main, level+1, true, muted=muted)
                for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"
                stdout.write "(builtin)"

            stdout.write "\n"


        of Database     :
            when not defined(NOSQLITE):
                if v.dbKind==SqliteDatabase: stdout.write fmt("[sqlite db] {cast[ByteAddress](v.sqlitedb):#X}")
                #elif v.dbKind==MysqlDatabase: stdout.write fmt("[mysql db] {cast[ByteAddress](v.mysqldb):#X}")

        of Bytecode     : 

            var instrs: ValueArray = @[]
            var j = 0
            while j < v.trans.instructions.len:
                let op = (OpCode)(v.trans.instructions[j])
                if op in [opPush, opStore, opCall, opLoad, opStorl, opAttr, opEol]:
                    j += 1
                elif op in [opPushX, opStoreX, opCallX, opLoadX, opStorlX, opEolX]:
                    j += 2
                    instrs.add(newInteger((int)((uint16)(v.trans.instructions[j-1]) shl 8 + (byte)(v.trans.instructions[j]))))

                j += 1


            for i,child in v.trans.constants:
                var prep: string
                if not muted:   prep=fmt("{resetColor}{bold(whiteColor)}{i}: {resetColor}")
                else:           prep=fmt("{i}: ")

                dump(child, level+1, false, muted=muted, prepend=prep)

            stdout.write "\n"


            var i = 0
            while i < instrs.len:
                for i in 0..level: stdout.write "\t"
                stdout.write instrs[i].s
                i += 1
                if i < instrs.len and instrs[i].kind==Integer:
                    stdout.write "\t\t"
                    while i < instrs.len and instrs[i].kind==Integer:
                        if not muted: stdout.write fmt("{resetColor}{fg(grayColor)} #{instrs[i].i}{resetColor}")
                        else: stdout.write " #" & $(instrs[i].i)
                        i += 1
                stdout.write "\n"


        of Newline      : discard
        of Nothing      : discard
        of ANY          : discard

    if not isLast:
        stdout.write "\n"

# TODO Fix pretty-printing for unwrapped blocks
#  Indentation is not working right for inner dictionaries and blocks
#  Check: `print as.pretty.code.unwrapped info.get 'get`
#  labels: values,enhancement,library
proc codify*(v: Value, pretty = false, unwrapped = false, level: int=0, isLast: bool=false, isKeyVal: bool=false, safeStrings: bool = false): string {.inline.} =
    result = ""

    if pretty:
        if isKeyVal:
            result &= " "
            for i in 0..level-1: result &= "\t"

    case v.kind:
        of Null         : result &= "null"
        of Logical      : result &= $(v.b)
        of Integer      :
            if likely(v.iKind==NormalInteger): result &= $(v.i)
                when defined(WEB) or not defined(NOGMP):
                    result &= $(
        of Floating     : result &= $(v.f)
        of Complex      : result &= fmt("to :complex [{} {}]")
        of Rational     : result &= fmt("to :rational [{v.rat.num} {v.rat.den}]")
        of Version      : result &= fmt("{v.major}.{v.minor}.{v.patch}{v.extra}")
        of Type         : 
            if v.tpKind==BuiltinType:
                result &= ":" & ($v.t).toLowerAscii()
                result &= ":" &
        of Char         : result &= "`" & $(v.c) & "`"
        of String       : 
            if safeStrings:
                result &= "««" & v.s & "»»"
                if countLines(v.s)>1 or v.s.contains("\""):
                    var splitl = join(toSeq(splitLines(v.s)),"\n" & repeat("\t",level+1))
                    result &= "{\n" & repeat("\t",level+1) & splitl & "\n" & repeat("\t",level) & "}"
                    result &= escape(v.s)
        of Word         : result &= v.s
        of Literal      : result &= "'" & v.s
        of Label        : result &= v.s & ":"
        of Attribute         : result &= "." & v.s
        of AttributeLabel    : result &= "." & v.s & ":"
        of Symbol       :  result &= $(v.m)
        of SymbolLiteral: result &= "'" & $(v.m)
        of Quantity     : result &= $(v.nm) & ":" & toLowerAscii($(
        of Regex        : result &= "{/" & $(v.rx) & "/}"
        of Color        : result &= $(v.l)

        of Inline, Block:
            if not (pretty and unwrapped and level==0):
                if v.kind==Inline: result &= "("
                else: result &= "["

            if pretty:
                result &= "\n"

            var parts: seq[string] = @[]
            for i,child in cleanV:
                parts.add(codify(child,pretty,unwrapped,level+1, i==(cleanV.len-1), safeStrings=safeStrings))

            result &= parts.join(" ")

            if pretty:
                result &= "\n"
                for i in 0..level-1: result &= "\t"

            if not (pretty and unwrapped and level==0):
                if v.kind==Inline: result &= ")"
                else: result &= "]"

        of Dictionary:
            if not (pretty and unwrapped and level==0):
                result &= "#["

            if pretty:
                result &= "\n"

            let keys = toSeq(v.d.keys)

            if keys.len > 0:

                for k,v in pairs(v.d):
                    if pretty:
                        if not (unwrapped):
                            for i in 0..level: result &= "\t"
                            for i in 0..level-1: result &= "\t"
                        result &= k & ":"
                        result &= k & ": "

                    result &= codify(v,pretty,unwrapped,level+1, false, isKeyVal=true, safeStrings=safeStrings) 

                    if not pretty:
                        result &= " "

            if pretty:
                for i in 0..level-1: result &= "\t"

            if not (pretty and unwrapped and level==0):
                result &= "]"

        of Function:
            result &= "function "
            result &= codify(v.params,pretty,unwrapped,level+1, false, safeStrings=safeStrings)
            result &= " "
            result &= codify(v.main,pretty,unwrapped,level+1, true, safeStrings=safeStrings)

            result &= ""

    if pretty:
        if not isLast:
            result &= "\n"
 No newline at end of file
ndex f0217db9c..c1e3825f9 100644
++ b/src/vm/values/value.nim


stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 11 months ago

Closing issue as stale.

stale[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.