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[Sockets] Verify the whole module & check for missing functionality #896

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 8 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

[Sockets] Verify the whole module & check for missing functionality

obviously this cannot be done with unit-tests as easily as with other modules, but

we'd still have to verify it works as expected and track down possibly-missing


# Arturo
# Programming Language + Bytecode VM compiler
# (c) 2019-2022 Yanis Zafirópulos
# @file: library/Sockets.nim

## The main Sockets module 
## (part of the standard library)

# Pragmas


# Libraries

when not defined(WEB):
    import std/net as netsock except Socket
    import nativesockets

import vm/values/custom/[vsocket]

import vm/lib

when not defined(WEB):
    import vm/errors

# Methods

# TODO(Sockets) Verify the whole module & check for missing functionality
#  obviously this cannot be done with unit-tests as easily as with other modules, but
#  we'd still have to verify it works as expected and track down possibly-missing
#  features
#  labels: open discussion

proc defineSymbols*() =

    when not defined(WEB):

        builtin "accept",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "accept incoming connection and return corresponding socket",
            args        = {
                "server"    : {Socket}
            attrs       = NoAttrs,
            returns     = {Socket},
            # TODO(Sockets/accept) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("accept")

                var client: netsock.Socket

                let (address,port) = getPeerAddr(client)

                let socket = initSocket(client, proto=x.sock.protocol, address=address, port=port)
                push newSocket(socket)

        builtin "connect",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "create new socket connection to given server port",
            args        = {
                "port"  : {Integer}
            attrs       = {
                "to"        : ({String},"set socket address"),
                "udp"       : ({Logical},"use UDP instead of TCP")
            returns     = {Socket},
            # TODO(Sockets/connect) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("connect")

                let isUDP = hadAttr("udp")

                let protocol = 
                    if isUDP: IPPROTO_UDP
                    else: IPPROTO_TCP

                var toAddress: string  
                if checkAttr("to"):
                    toAddress = aTo.s
                    toAddress = ""

                var port = Port(x.i)

                var sock: netsock.Socket = netsock.newSocket(protocol=protocol)
                if not isUDP:
                    sock.connect(toAddress, port)

                let socket = initSocket(sock, proto=protocol, address=toAddress, port=port)

                push newSocket(socket)

        builtin "listen",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "start listening on given port and return new socket",
            args        = {
                "port"  : {Integer}
            attrs       = {
                "blocking"  : ({String},"set blocking mode (default: false)"),
                "udp"       : ({Logical},"use UDP instead of TCP")
            returns     = {Socket},
            # TODO(Sockets/listen) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("listen")

                let blocking = hadAttr("blocking")
                let protocol = 
                    if hadAttr("udp"): IPPROTO_UDP
                    else: IPPROTO_TCP

                var sock: netsock.Socket = netsock.newSocket(protocol=protocol)
                sock.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, true)


                let (address,port) = getLocalAddr(sock)

                let socket = initSocket(sock, proto=protocol, address=address, port=port)

                push newSocket(socket)

        builtin "receive",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "receive line of data from selected socket",
            args        = {
                "origin"    : {Socket}  
            attrs       = {
                "size"      : ({Integer},"set maximum size of received data"),
                "timeout"   : ({Integer},"set timeout (in milliseconds)")
            returns     = {String},
            # TODO(Sockets/receive) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("receive")

                var size = MaxLineLength
                if checkAttr("size"):
                    size = aSize.i

                var timeout = -1
                if checkAttr("timeout"):
                    timeout = aTimeout.i

                push newString(x.sock.socket.recvLine(timeout=timeout, maxLength=size))

        builtin "send",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "send given message to selected socket",
            args        = {
                "destination"   : {Socket},
                "message"       : {String}    
            attrs       = {
                "chunk"     : ({Logical},"don't send data as a line of data")
            returns     = {Nothing},
            # TODO(Sockets/send) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("send")

                let asChunk = hadAttr("chunk")

                let message = 
                    if asChunk: y.s
                    else: y.s & "\r\L"


        builtin "send?",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "send given message to selected socket and return true if successful",
            args        = {
                "destination"   : {Socket},
                "message"       : {String}    
            attrs       = NoAttrs,
            returns     = {Logical},
            # TODO(Sockets/send?) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("send?")

                push newLogical(x.sock.socket.trySend(y.s))

        builtin "unplug",
            alias       = unaliased, 
            rule        = PrefixPrecedence,
            description = "close given socket",
            args        = {
                "socket"    : {Socket} 
            attrs       = NoAttrs,
            returns     = {Nothing},
            # TODO(Sockets/unplug) add documentation example
            #  labels: library, documentation, easy
            example     = """
                when defined(SAFE): RuntimeError_OperationNotPermitted("unplug")


# Add Library

ndex fd9afdfc2..7555eeebc 100644
++ b/src/library/System.nim


stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] commented 8 months ago

Closing issue as stale.