arturo182 / serpente_hw
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Opening project in KiCad 5.1.6 issues/DRC/BOM #1

Open alborzs opened 4 years ago

alborzs commented 4 years ago

Hi, I stumbled upon your project and would love to use it in one of my hobby project, unfortunately I can't use the castellated version as I have some dimension requirements specially in depth. I was hoping to open your project in KiCad and do the PCB myself but that did not really work. It is complaining about the KiCad version. So instead I started from scratch and tried to add the necessary components from your library and modules repos. The schematics is fine but generates the following DRC (I have not looked into this yet and just wanted to know if you recognize it) image

and finally I spent a couple of hours trying to track down that USB Type C 2.0 SMD plug but I can not find the one you used (I found a couple of web-pages selling similar component but nothing from digikey/mouser), could you please point me in the right direction.

Thanks and great little boards by the way (It´s a pity you are out of stock on tindie)

arturo182 commented 4 years ago

Hi alborzs,

Sorry about the file problems, I use KiCad nightly builds so they might be incompatible with the stable releases.

You don't have to worry about either problem, not sure why the ERC complains about the types there, the LDO is a power output and the 3.3V is a power input, so even if it complains, that connection is correct.

As for the USB footprint, that's also not a problem, the schematic symbol has extra pins for VBUS and GND (4 for each), which are missing in the footprint, but the other 2 of each signal are there so the connection exists.

Finally, for the component itself, I got them directly from an Alibaba seller here:

alborzs commented 4 years ago

@arturo182, thanks for the reply.