arturoc / FaceSubstitution

Face substitution experiments using ofxFacetracker
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A ton of Apple Mach-O Linker (id) Errors while compiling #23

Open valerianBlos opened 10 years ago

valerianBlos commented 10 years ago

Hey, I downloaded all the files from the github masterbranch, but while compiling for the first time, I got a lots of "Apple Mach-O Linker (id)" - Errors (see Screenshots).

I´m using Xcode 5 on Maverick.

If somebody have ideas or solutions, please let me know ;)

thank you in advance!

bildschirmfoto 2013-11-18 um 16 39 24

kylemcdonald commented 10 years ago

huh, strange. just realized you were having the same problems before.

it's probably something like.... you're using a different version of opencv or the folder is in the wrong location.

valerianBlos commented 10 years ago

I reinstalled the actual version of opencv and facetracker. then I tested the examples - everythink worked fine. but then I started facesubsitution (I first had a look on this tutorial you sended me) and it gave me at first few strange errors about not finding some certain files (e.g. openvc2/opencv.h and Clone.h). I put them in the folders manually and now it produces the same errors (apple Mach-O Linker) again.

maybe you can give me a overview from were you run facesubstitution, just to avoid misunderstanding...

I´m very sorry for this inconvenience :)

greetings vale