arturoc / FaceSubstitution

Face substitution experiments using ofxFacetracker
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FaceSubstitution build error (drawHighlightString was not declared) #41

Open kaisark opened 6 years ago

kaisark commented 6 years ago

Update: Jan 14 4pm start I added an image (jpg) of the Mona Lisa to the data/faces directory and the program runs now.



Update: Jan 14 4pm end

Update: Jan 14 start Changed the drawHighlightString statements to generic prints. Compiled. However, I am getting a run-time error now. There must be some missing images in my set-up for the demo to run...???

kaisark@kaisark-VBox16:~/openFrameworks-stable/apps/myApps/FaceSubstitution$ make RunRelease HOST_OS=Linux checking pkg-config libraries: cairo zlib gstreamer-app-1.0 gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-video-1.0 gstreamer-base-1.0 libudev freetype2 fontconfig sndfile openal openssl glfw3 gl glu glew gtk+-3.0 libmpg123 [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Probing devices with udev... [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Found device 80ee:0030, getting capabilities... [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: detected v4l2 device: VirtualBox Webcam - FaceTime HD [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: driver: uvcvideo, version: 264721 [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: Capabilities: 0x84200001 [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: initGrabber(): selected device: VirtualBox Webcam - FaceTime HD [notice ] ofGstVideoGrabber: initGrabber(): selected format: 1280x720 video/x-raw RGB framerate: 30/1 [notice ] ofGstUtils: setPipelineWithSink(): gstreamer pipeline: v4l2src name=video_source device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=RGB,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1 ! appsink name=ofappsink enable-last-sample=0 caps="video/x-raw, format=RGB, width=1280, height=720" camera face not found: 28508368 drag an image here: 275027840

Update: Jan 14 end ----------------------------------------- After successfully building CloningWrapper, I ran into the FaceSubstitution build error below. I wonder if this is a code version mismatch error between the various addons, etc??? FYI - I have built the example-blink app which runs successfully and which uses the following addons: ofxCv, ofxFaceTracker, ofxGui, ofxOpenCv, ofxOsc

I am using openFrameworks (stable) 0.9.8 on Ubuntu 16 (VM).

/home/kaisark/openFrameworks-stable/apps/myApps/FaceSubstitution/src/ofApp.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void ofApp::draw()’: /home/kaisark/openFrameworks-stable/apps/myApps/FaceSubstitution/src/ofApp.cpp:71:54: error: ‘drawHighlightString’ was not declared in this scope drawHighlightString("camera face not found", 10, 10);