arturoc / FaceSubstitution

Face substitution experiments using ofxFacetracker
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3d kinect-enabled real-time facial remapping #5

Closed nelsonpecora closed 11 years ago

nelsonpecora commented 12 years ago

Is this crazy, or would it hypothetically be possible to use a 3d texture (captured, for example, with a kinect) as the "source image," basically making this work in 3d? I imagine that would also eliminate the need to correct for weird mapping errors (e.g. when you turn your head left or right). What do you think?

I'm going to start tooling around with the code tomorrow and see if I can hack together something.

kylemcdonald commented 12 years ago

it would help, but it's not an quick solution.

for some work in this direction, using a mean mesh to render the face, see