artyom-beilis / cppcms

CppCMS Framework
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cppcms::b64url compatibility #102

Closed masaoliou closed 12 months ago

masaoliou commented 12 months ago

I have tested on and and have found that cppcms::b64url::encode() seems to be incompatible with

This implementation works as expected.

Any idea?

artyom-beilis commented 12 months ago

Can you please be more specific. What exactly does not compatible?

Can you show an example of what b64url creates and what do you expect?

masaoliou commented 12 months ago
#include <cppcms/base64.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const std::string s("This is John Smith.");
    std::ostringstream os;
    cppcms::b64url::encode(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s.c_str()),reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s.c_str())+s.size(),os);
    std::cout << os.str() << std::endl; //VGhpcyBpcyBKb2huIFNtaXRoLg
    std::cout << "=?utf-8?B?" << os.str() << "?=" << std::endl; //=?utf-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyBKb2huIFNtaXRoLg?=
    return 0;

This web page can't decode the last string =?utf-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyBKb2huIFNtaXRoLg?= following "Subject: ".

The following shell command

echo -ne "This is John Smith." | base64

gives the following string:


The aforementioned web page properly decodes the following string after "Subject: ":


artyom-beilis commented 12 months ago

I explain, there is difference between base64 and base64url

Short summary:

You are confusing two very similar but different encodings - the code you linked to is actually base64 and not base64url.