artyom-beilis / pytorch_dlprim

DLPrimitives/OpenCL out of tree backend for pytorch
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Why register the relu operator in AutogradPrivateUse1 ? #47

Closed JingliangGao closed 7 months ago

JingliangGao commented 7 months ago

Hi, In the pointwiseops.cpp file, you register the relu operator in AutogradPrivateUse1, which is different with the relu operator. Why not register the relu operator in PrivateUse1 ? Just like the tan and tanh_ operators, which are registered in PrivateUse1.

artyom-beilis commented 7 months ago

Good question: dlprimitives provide several functions for activation so I tried to do something generic. After some time I reverted back to directly implementation but this remained.

So the answer is - historically, and probably it can be implemented as all other functions without a problem.

JingliangGao commented 7 months ago

In order to register the relu operator in PrivateUse1, I rewrite the function like that ` Tensor & relu(Tensor & self)

    dlprim::Tensor X = todp(self);     
    Tensor out = new_tensor_as(X.shape(),self);     
    dlprim::Tensor Y=todp(out);      
    return self;     

` I have succeed to build this project, but failed in the running process as follows. 9d94abce73ceee4db7ad74329164e6c7 Could you provide more details about how to design a custom operator and then register it ? BTW, is it also possible to register the linear and max_pool2d operator in PrivateUse1?

artyom-beilis commented 7 months ago

As far as I remember max_pool2d and linear use custom ops because of slightly different input/output/gradient implementations for backpropogation by Torch operators and dlprimitives.

That is why custom backward function is applied. I used autograd private use any time I need little bit different backpropogation. I don't recall why I used it for ReLU but I assume I use it this way for max pooling because of different way I handle the location of "max" item for backpropogation.

I assume it can be rewritten differently but likely you'll need to change the kernels themselves in dlprimitives and run all tests.

Can you explain why it bothers you?

artyom-beilis commented 7 months ago

Tensor & relu(Tensor & self)

I assume you replacing aten::relu - it requires self to be const

Tensor relu(const Tensor & self); // {"schema": "aten::relu(Tensor self) -> Tensor", "dispatch": "True", "default": "False"}