artyuum / filemanager-install-script-for-rutorrent

A simple installation script for the famous ruTorrent plugin called "filemanager"
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FILE MANAGER: rar archive manipulation disabled #3

Closed Quickboxfan closed 6 years ago

Quickboxfan commented 6 years ago

nano config

"$fm['tempdir'] = '/tmp'; // path were to store temporary data ;$ $fm['mkdperm'] = 755; // default permission to set to new created di$

// set with fullpath to binary or leave empty $pathToExternals['rar'] = ''; $pathToExternals['zip'] = '/usr/bin/zip'; $pathToExternals['unzip'] = '/usr/bin/unzip'; $pathToExternals['tar'] = '/bin/tar'; $pathToExternals['bzip2'] = '/bin/bzip2';

// archive mangling, see archiver man page before editing

$fm['archive']['types'] = array('rar', 'zip', 'tar', 'gzip', 'bzip2');

$fm['archive']['compress'][0] = range(0, 5); $fm['archive']['compress'][1] = array('-0', '-1', '-9'); $fm['archive']['compress'][2] = $fm['archive']['compress'][3] = $fm['archive']$"

So just help me introducing path in above subjected $pathToExternals['rar'] = '';

I am using Ubuntu 14 i am unable to apt-get install rar,what should i do?

i have used rtinst while insatlling rtorrent and it has rar/unrar packages installed,after finding location i get rar at/tmp/rar/

artyuum commented 6 years ago

Did you actually run the script ? It's supposed to install rar without using apt and configure the plugin to use rar.

If no, I'll have to close this issue because it's not related to this script.

Quickboxfan commented 6 years ago

Yes i have used your script for that purpose,i will reinstall your updated script,i just saw its updated,i will require commnads to unistall previous script how do i do that from ssh?

Quickboxfan commented 6 years ago

i got this error finally when i installed your new script

"mv: cannot stat 'rar/rar_static': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access '/usr/local/bin/rar': No such file or directory"

this is my result after i use - find / -type d -name 'rar' result - /tmp/rar

and after setting external path to /tmp/rar still rar doesnt work for me

artyuum commented 6 years ago

Which operating system are you running? (note: this script has been written for Debian-like distro only.)

Quickboxfan commented 6 years ago

I am using Ubuntu and i had no issue with other parts of your plugins,i can use ZIP function flawless,filemamager is running excellent except for RAR function its not working

artyuum commented 6 years ago

Seems like the rar_static file has been renamed to rar in the current rar version the script is using, I didn't notice it when I updated the link, sorry. Assuming you didn't remove the /tmp/rar folder, run the following commands and tell me if it worked :

mv -v /tmp/rar/rar /usr/local/bin/rar
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/rar
Quickboxfan commented 6 years ago

Yeah i moved as you said but no difference in functions,filemanager cant locate even rar is installed

FILE MANAGER: rar archive manipulation disabled (application not found)

artyuum commented 6 years ago

Hmm.. What does this command return ? ls /tmp/rar/

Quickboxfan commented 6 years ago

I got it your script lack this command $pathToExternals['rar'] = '';

i changed to - $pathToExternals['rar'] = '/usr/local/bin/rar';

Path is not correct in script,after adding path everything worked fine for me and but obvious i run this too "mv -v /tmp/rar/rar /usr/local/bin/rar chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/rar"

after script installation,can you fix this in your script,any ways its the best script and very simple to install also

artyuum commented 6 years ago

I consider this issue fixed then.