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LLM: prompts: custom icons #14

Open divyamk opened 4 months ago

divyamk commented 4 months ago

LLM Prompt Testing for choosing icon from set of icons

In this issue we test different prompts for choosing an icon for searched product category. Testing using GPT3.5

abhikTheFirst commented 3 months ago

-GPT3.5 only does textmatch; Your task is to perform the following actions:

  1. Analyze the product description and determine which product the product description is referring to.
  2. Determine which filename from the list of names best matches the product. If a product does not match any names from the list of names, ONLY choose the one you think best describes the product.
  3. Output ONLY the name. Names MUST only be from the given list of names.
arugyani commented 2 months ago

Revisiting this ticket (4/10/2024):

let variable = ":unicode_emoji:";
`Hello, ${variable}`