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LLM powered high-consideration research tool for UTD senior project
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feat: added the recommendation controller, but the prompts need more … #69

Closed abhikTheFirst closed 2 months ago

abhikTheFirst commented 2 months ago

Closes #62 Adds the recommendation routes. The query should be passed into req.params and questions and answers should be passed into req.body. Prompts are a work-in-progress with Gemini.

divyamk commented 2 months ago

We should create a separate js file with all of the LLM prompts in the utils folder for all the prompts.

vercel[bot] commented 2 months ago

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Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
shop-iq ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Apr 12, 2024 6:44pm
divyamk commented 2 months ago

ran into this error when running


body of request:

    "question": "How big is your viewing space?",
    "questionInfo": "Knowing the length and width of the room where the TV will be kept helps determine an optimal screen size in inches.",
    "multipleAnswers": false,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "Small room <100 sq ft", "selected": false}
      {"label": "B", "text": "Medium room 100-200 sq ft", "selected": true},
      {"label": "C", "text": "Large room 200-400 sq ft", "selected": false},
      {"label": "D", "text": "Very large room >400 sq ft", "selected": false}
    "other": ""
    "question": "What is your primary purpose?",
    "questionInfo": "Your primary use case will help determine the best panel technology and other features.",
    "multipleAnswers": true,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "Streaming movies/TV shows", "selected": false},
      {"label": "B", "text": "Watching live TV", "selected": false},
      {"label": "C", "text": "Gaming", "selected": true},
      {"label": "D", "text": "Casual use", "selected": true}
    "other": ""
    "question": "What's your price range?",
    "questionInfo": "Setting a budget helps narrow down your options.",
    "multipleAnswers": false,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "Less than $500", "selected": false},
      {"label": "B", "text": "$500 - $1000", "selected": false},
      {"label": "C", "text": "$1000 - $2000", "selected": false},
      {"label": "D", "text": "Over $2000", "selected": false}
    "other": "no range"
    "question": "Do you prioritize a specific feature?",
    "questionInfo": "Certain features can greatly enhance your viewing experience.",
    "multipleAnswers": false,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "High refresh rate (gaming)", "selected": false},
      {"label": "B", "text": "Wide color gamut (movies)", "selected": false},
      {"label": "C", "text": "HDR (enhanced contrast)", "selected": false},
      {"label": "D", "text": "None", "selected": false}
    "other": "bluetooth"
abhikTheFirst commented 2 months ago

ran into this error when running


body of request:

    "question": "How big is your viewing space?",
    "questionInfo": "Knowing the length and width of the room where the TV will be kept helps determine an optimal screen size in inches.",
    "multipleAnswers": false,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "Small room <100 sq ft", "selected": false}
      {"label": "B", "text": "Medium room 100-200 sq ft", "selected": true},
      {"label": "C", "text": "Large room 200-400 sq ft", "selected": false},
      {"label": "D", "text": "Very large room >400 sq ft", "selected": false}
    "other": ""
    "question": "What is your primary purpose?",
    "questionInfo": "Your primary use case will help determine the best panel technology and other features.",
    "multipleAnswers": true,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "Streaming movies/TV shows", "selected": false},
      {"label": "B", "text": "Watching live TV", "selected": false},
      {"label": "C", "text": "Gaming", "selected": true},
      {"label": "D", "text": "Casual use", "selected": true}
    "other": ""
    "question": "What's your price range?",
    "questionInfo": "Setting a budget helps narrow down your options.",
    "multipleAnswers": false,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "Less than $500", "selected": false},
      {"label": "B", "text": "$500 - $1000", "selected": false},
      {"label": "C", "text": "$1000 - $2000", "selected": false},
      {"label": "D", "text": "Over $2000", "selected": false}
    "other": "no range"
    "question": "Do you prioritize a specific feature?",
    "questionInfo": "Certain features can greatly enhance your viewing experience.",
    "multipleAnswers": false,
    "options": [
      {"label": "A", "text": "High refresh rate (gaming)", "selected": false},
      {"label": "B", "text": "Wide color gamut (movies)", "selected": false},
      {"label": "C", "text": "HDR (enhanced contrast)", "selected": false},
      {"label": "D", "text": "None", "selected": false}
    "other": "bluetooth"

Should be ran on localhost:3000/recommendations/tv

divyamk commented 2 months ago

Just needed to merge backend into the branch, now it works gg