arunoda / meteor-up-legacy

Production Quality Meteor Deployments
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mup.json example for windows? #1112

Open muscaiu opened 7 years ago

muscaiu commented 7 years ago

I developed the Meteor App on my Windows PC and i want to test deployment on localhost to figure out how it works and then i will try moving it to the server.

Does anyone have a mup.json example for Windows? I'm looking at the example file and for starters, i have no clue what password or username to use.

  "servers": [
      "host": "hostname",
      "username": "root",
      "password": "password",
      // or pem file (ssh based authentication)
      //"pem": "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
      // Also, for non-standard ssh port use this
      //"sshOptions": { "port" : 49154 },
      // server specific environment variables
      "env": {}
dospolov commented 7 years ago

{ // Server authentication info "servers": [ { "host": "", "username": "root", // "password": "password", // or pem file (ssh based authentication) // WARNING: Keys protected by a passphrase are not supported "pem": "/Users/Marat/Documents/ssh/first_key.ppk", // Also, for non-standard ssh port use this //"sshOptions": { "port" : 49154 }, // server specific environment variables "env": {} } ],

// Install MongoDB on the server. Does not destroy the local MongoDB on future setups "setupMongo": true,

// Application name (no spaces). "appName": "myfavapp",

// Location of app (local directory). This can reference '~' as the users home directory. // i.e., "app": "~/Meteor/my-app", // This is the same as the line below. "app": "/playground/myfavapp",

// Configure environment // ROOT_URL must be set to your correct domain (https or http) "env": { "ROOT_URL": "", "CLUSTER_WORKERS_COUNT": 8 },

// Meteor Up checks if the app comes online just after the deployment. // Before mup checks that, it will wait for the number of seconds configured below. "deployCheckWaitTime": 60,

// show a progress bar while uploading. // Make it false when you deploy using a CI box. "enableUploadProgressBar": true }

some fields has been changed also Mupx does not work with latest meteor version, we're using murockanew fork of Mupx

yrvlucero commented 7 years ago

@muscaiu I am also trying to deploy my meteor app in Windows localhost but I keep running Install Docker error. Can you tell me what guide you were using in delploying app to Windows?

muscaiu commented 7 years ago

I deployed it with mupx on DigitalOcean. Here is a Youtube Tutorial. Read the comments when u get in trouble.