arunoda / meteor-up-legacy

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How do I confirm that the OPLOG access worked? #704

Open flantascience opened 9 years ago

flantascience commented 9 years ago

I was able to add OPLOG access to my User on

I added a line to MUPX that says:

"MONGO_OPLOG_URL": "mongodb://,"

I didn't get an error anywhere... but I don't know how to test if it worked.

The site is deployed at


MasterJames commented 9 years ago

I think this link should help. Let me know if I miss understood, thanks.

In general it talks about running a Replica Set, and connecting to the mongod processes via a simple command (or something like Robomongo to make changes as well)

mongo host:port

And then you could make some changes and see if they propagate etc. (Again you can edit data from the browser command line your app, or even the same command line)

MasterJames commented 9 years ago

Or maybe you're wanting something more advanced like this? from ...

use admin
db.runCommand( { replSetGetStatus : 1 } )
sferoze commented 9 years ago

add the meteor facts package:

Then update your server. Visit the page with the facts template inserted and you will be able to tell if oplog is working. If it is you should have 0 under observe-drivers-polling