arunoda / meteor-up-legacy

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mupx support for external MongoDB Replica Set #706

Open occasl opened 9 years ago

occasl commented 9 years ago

I definitely have the need to expose my MongoDB to other services as part of my solution but I notice in the docs that this is currently not supported. Is there an ETA for this? I have my own MongoDB replica set so can I call to that in the meantime?

MasterJames commented 9 years ago

This is relevant...

I believe it's more of a meteor issue. I suppose Galaxy is your hands free solution (still in Preview). I'm thinking when AWS EFS also floats out of Preview, things will change or at least a solution (here or elsewhere) will materialize. It may take some time/releases still to sort this problem out. I figure 1 year is a safe guess on both Preview delays, and a couple of cycles to stabilize the mongo replica-set and meteor oplog system. I dream of a day multi-server writes is fully functional through a shared filesystem via oplog tailing/syncing on EFS etc. [I'm I dreaming or not?]

I think if your big enough and in Need sooner then both of those Previews are currently available/negotiable, or the expertise to get your system there will be available financially.

occasl commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "it's more of a meteor issue." With my current production deploying, I'm using my own MongoDB with replica sets and I reference that through the MONGO_URL environment variable. That works great!

Similarly, could I just set the MONGO_URL as an environment variable in my mup.json to point to my existing MongoDB instance that I set up on another EC2 instance? This way I could still use mupx for my AWS Meteor deployment and just leverage my own MongoDB installation.

roeeyud commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue. It seems that changing MONGO_URL in mup.json doesn't change the MONGO_URL environment variable when the server runs. When I print out the MONGO_URL I see mongodb://mongodb:27017/

derwaldgeist commented 8 years ago

I'm a bit irritated by this issue. Where in the docs can I find the info that external replica sets are not supported? I just connected my mupx-based EC2 instance to a replica set, and everything seems to work fine. Did I miss something?

MasterJames commented 8 years ago

From the link above last line it sums it up really with. "For others there are many ways to setup replicas" I think (what you missed) it's possibly particular to mup/mupx and managing multiple deployment machines or similar. Currently beyond it's capability or even as it's explained in the link #57 "its purpose". A new version is forming at kadirahq current. I hope all your wishes have been heard and interpreted into what is surly a complex task. In another thread just earlier there was this link to this meteor plugin for redis. so ya pick your poison. This might be really nice on AWS EFS (Shared Filesystem op_log). Can't wait to try when it's out of Preview.

To add clarity to my words before. I explored the notion that with just oplog on a shared filesystem you don't need a master slave configuration. I have yet to try. When it's possible by the majority to launch on 5 machines via EFS it will become more possible that that (?-able) configuration becomes more & more desirable. IMHO. Please discuss.

derwaldgeist commented 8 years ago

Thanks for answering. Yet I have to admit I still don't get this issue and your explanation. I've seen #57, but in this issue Arunoda already refers to MongoHQ:

I assume MongoHQ deal works for many.

So I interpreted #57 in a sense that replica sets are not supported to be installed by mupx, but are supported if you have set-up MongoDB yourself (or use a service like and point your mupx installed server to this replica set using Mongo URLs.

And at least for me, it seemed to work as expected. This is why I was asking myself why this issue is titled "mupx support for external MongoDB Replica Set"?