arunoda / meteor-up-legacy

Production Quality Meteor Deployments
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reset app by db.dropDatabase() now can't deploy! #737

Open rkstar opened 8 years ago

rkstar commented 8 years ago

i was trying to reset my app that was deployed with mupx and i found this question/answer on stackoverflow

@arunoda answered the question, saying to use db.dropDatabase() -- since it was arunoda giving the advice, i followed it. now i can't deploy my app!

i'm using the local mongodb, not compose or mongolabs, and when i look at the docker processes my mongodb image is constantly Restarting

i've tried removing the images, containers, and even docker itself, but i can't get mongodb to start up.

the app is deployed on AWS and was working fine until i db.dropDatabase() last night.

any help is appreciated here.

:~$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                         PORTS                        NAMES
9bf26e959ee2        mongo                      "/ mongo"   11 hours ago        Restarting (100) 3 hours ago>27017/tcp   mongodb
MasterJames commented 8 years ago

I just added a pull request to resolve that. Anyway you can remove /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock Also you can run setup after that to be sure but then if you run setup run deploy again too.