Open arunselvakumar opened 5 years ago
async pipe is better because, it unsubscribes by itself.
const headers = new Headers() headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');'api/login', {body}, headers) .subscribe(user => {}, () => alert('login failed'))
private subject = new BehaviourSubject(UNKNOWN_USER);
user$: Observable'api/login', {body}, headers) .map(res => res.json()) // We are mapping it to JSON cos, the data returned will be of type response, which has the status code etc. .subscribe(user =>, () => alert('Login Failed'))
return'api/login', {body}, header) .map(res => res.json()) .do(user => .publishLast().refCount(); // Check what this stuff does. :-)
.subscribe(user => {}, error => {}) // Important Stuff
How to get started with routing
RouterModule.forRoot([ {path: ‘’, component: ComponentName } {path:’profile/:userId’, component: GitHub} {path:’**’, component: GitHub} ]);
Order Matters
<a [routerLink]=“[‘route’, ha, ha]”> routerLinkActive
GETTING ROUTE PARAMETRS: Private route: ActivatedRoute This.route.paramMap Convert string to number, let foo = +params.get(id); Why route parameters are Observable<> If we want to take query this.route.paramQueryMap.subscribe
COMPONENT LIFECYCLE HOOKS Component to Component - NgOnInit won’t be loaded.
Merge Two Observables using combineLatest factory Method Import ‘rxjs/add/observable/combineLatest’
Let obs = Observable.combineLatest([ Observable1, observable2 ])
Better cleaner way to do avoid nested subscribe calls => SwitchMap Also, subscribe inside subscribe causes non-sense, cos it won’t be unsubscribed.
Obs1.switchMap( Event => { return obs2 } );