aruntk / polymer-apollo

🚀 Polymer Apollo Integration
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Reusing a component #16

Closed bramvanderholst closed 7 years ago

bramvanderholst commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

I'm having trouble getting it to work properly, I have the following configuration for my element, seems pretty simple:

This binds the resulting object to the pageObject property of the element. This is great, but this seems me to require to name the query pageObject: Page(id: $identifier) { ... }. The result is that if I use this element multiple times, this will cause an issue that the the second element will use the same query name, thus breaking the first element..

Hope you can help:

<dom-module id="rd-page-link">
    <a href$="[[pageObject.urlKey]]"><content></content></a>
      is: "rd-page-link",

      properties: {
        pageId: String,
        pageObject: Object,
        href: {
          type: String,
          computed: '_getHref(pageObject)'
      behaviors: [

      apollo: {
        PageLink: {
          query: Apollo.gql`query GetPageLink($identifier: ID!) {
                    pageObject: Page(id: $identifier) {
          options: '_queryOptions(pageId)',
          loadingKey: 'hostLoading',

      _queryOptions: function(pageId) {
        return {
          variables: {
            identifier: pageId

      _getHref: function(pageObject) {
        return pageObject.urlKey;

paales commented 7 years ago

@aruntk We're kind stuck on this part :( Idea how to solve this issue?

aruntk commented 7 years ago

@bramvanderholst @paales Issue is causing because of javascript object reference. I'm working on this.

aruntk commented 7 years ago

@bramvanderholst @paales. I think I have fixed the issue. version 1.1.21 released with the fix. Please check. I'm keeping the issue opened. Please comment if you find any other bugs related to the latest change.

aruntk commented 7 years ago

closing the issue. feel free to reopen if required.

bramvanderholst commented 7 years ago

Hi @aruntk! It doesn't seem to work as expected. It does something different, but not what it is supposed to do..

I've created the following elements:

<rd-page-link page-id="Jaskdf021msksksv99ksdf"></rd-page-link> <!-- works -->
<rd-page-link page-id="cj0tns8lx1fus0104xxc1nbb4"></rd-page-link> <!-- works -->
<rd-page-link page-id="cj0tns8lx1fus0104xxc1nbb4"></rd-page-link> <!-- doesn't work -->
<rd-page-link page-id="cj0tns8lx1fus0104xxc1nbb4"></rd-page-link> <!-- doesn't work -->

So, if the query variables are exactly the same it doesn't work as expected..

bramvanderholst commented 7 years ago

@aruntk I can't open the issue by the way ;)

bramvanderholst commented 7 years ago

@aruntk The above doesn't seem to apply. Random links don't seem to be working. I think it is some sort of race condition. If links are spaced out on the page (and thus probably in which tick they get called) it works, but if links are next to each other, it doesn't seem to work.