arveoncode / relink-damage
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Feature Request: Add Katalina Warpath partywide Enhanced DMG buff from SBA as toggle #35

Closed DarxZalor closed 1 month ago

DarxZalor commented 4 months ago

Currently not a part of Maygi's calculator but would be nice to have.

arveoncode commented 3 months ago

I'm not entirely sure of the behavior of enhanced damage when it comes from other party members --- does Katalina's partywide Enhanced DMG buff stack with other sources of the buff? Or does the buff with the higher benefit override the other buffs?

DarxZalor commented 3 months ago

It'd probably be wise to keep an eye on this if anything changes in a future patch but I was able to gather the following from a pin in the GBFR discord and it looks like any characters with the same type of buff get overridden while it stacks with characters that have their warpath passively increase damage:

Captain: 10% Enhance passive (ele lvls) -> full 25% bonus Rackam: 20% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 5% extra Io: 15% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 10% extra Eugen: 25% Enhance (Charge Attacks and Grenates) --> full 25% bonus Rosetta: 100% Enhance passive (Rose attacks) --> full 25% bonus Charlotta: 10% Enhance passive (Noble Stance attacks) --> full 25% bonus Ghandagoza: 100% Enhance passive (Raging Fist) --> full 25% bonus Ferry: 15% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 10% extra Narmaya: 15% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 10% extra (note that this seems to be buggy and somewhat stacks in version 1.2.1) Lancelot: 10% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 15% extra Vane: 30% Enhance passive (Y attacks) --> full 25% bonus Percival: 50% Enhance passive (Schlacht) --> full 25% bonus Siegfried: 40% Enhance passive (Perfect hits) --> full 25% bonus Cagliostro: 10%/15% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 15%/10% extra Yodarha: 30% Enhance passive (Sharpened Focus Combos) --> full 25% bonus Zeta: 15% Enhance passive (Arvess targets) --> full 25% bonus Vaseraga: 30% Enhance buff --> no bonus no benefit at all Seofon: 20% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 10% extra Tweyen: 10% Enhance buff --> overwritten for 15% extra Id: 10% Enhance buff--> overwritten for 15% extra

the better list, who gains what bonus: 25% bonus: Captain, Eugen, Rosetta, Charlotta, Ghandagoza, Vane, Percival, Siegfried, Yodarha, Zeta 15% bonus: Lancelot, Cagliostro*, Tweyen, Id 10% bonus: Io, Ferry, Narmaya, Cagliostro, Seofon 5% bonus: Rackam 0% bonus: Vaseraga

Note: Katalina's buff bonus is additive with passive bonuses

I'm familiar with how Charlotta works so I know that the noble lunge cap is around 340k with all current damage cap options available plus Warpath (307k without Warpath) and with Katalina's buff this goes to 417k which aligns with what is described above.

arveoncode commented 3 months ago

I've added a manual input for an enhanced DMG modifier on the "Other Inputs". There is a button that adds the buff based on the selected character that augments the enhanced DMG modifier as per the list you provided. Let me know if this works for the use case 😅 image

DarxZalor commented 3 months ago

Works for Charlotta at least! Thanks!

I'll let the other experts on other characters let you know if anything is wrong. 😃

arveoncode commented 3 months ago

I'll leave this Github Issue open just in case someone finds anything wrong with it 😊