arvgta / ajaxify

Ajaxify - The Ajax Plugin
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Prefetch on click and slide in #142

Closed cliffstudio closed 6 years ago

cliffstudio commented 6 years ago

This isn't an issue as such but more of a query as to whether what I'm after is actually do-able within Ajaxify or not. So the end game is to create page transitions a little like this site:

Whereby pages will slide in, I won't need to preview the pages on either side though I'm just wondering whether I could use the 'prefetch' and fetch the page that I've clicked on, push the page content into an element off screen and then slide it into view, if at all possible?

arvgta commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the interesting enquiry! If you're prepared to do some "lower level" work, I could imagine, that it is possible. A first few words to the built-in features:

(the last three features are not yet properly documented on, but at your disposal "out of the box")

I had a look at the awesome animations on the site you quoted and have a first draft of a possible outline in pseudo-code:

I think the trickiest step is the last one, don't know, how does it?!

Just to get you going - hope that helps for a start!

arvgta commented 6 years ago

@nealfletcher : Are you planning to post back, or shall we close this issue?

cliffstudio commented 6 years ago

Hi there, apologies for the delay, I've only just seen your response – it seems the notification went to my junk folder. Thanks for your replies, that all sounds positive! I had to achieve it away from ajaxify in the end which isn't ideal...I have another site on at the moment though that needs similarly complex transitions whereby the next page needs to slide over the previous one.

I'm willing to pay for some time spent if you'd be able to provide some code to achieve this?

arvgta commented 6 years ago


sure, I can try to help you - what do you think of my first post in this thread?