arvgta / ajaxify

Ajaxify - The Ajax Plugin
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Default value for canonical parameter #163

Closed arvgta closed 5 years ago

arvgta commented 5 years ago

EDIT: Default value changed to false from version 7.3.3

The following applies to the situation before version 7.3.3

Here's why the canonical parameter was introduced in the first place - mainly in order to cater for correct URLs in the event of redirects...

That pertains to a minority of use-cases anyway. Futhermore, I have observed, that some users that employ a CMS which supports the canonical tag (like e.g. Wordpress) actually override the default value in their Ajaxify call:

Currently, the default value is:

canonical: true

I am wondering, whether it would not be safer to set the default value to:

canonical: false


That would get rid of problems like the one described here.

What do you think?