arvidn / libtorrent

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crash in android in disk_io_thread::try_flush_hashed #1225

Closed aldenml closed 7 years ago

aldenml commented 7 years ago

Please provide the following information

libtorrent version (or branch): master

platform/architecture: android

compiler and compiler version: clang NDK 13

pid: 21826, tid: 21936, name: Thread-7015  >>> <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xdaa00000
    r0 00000000  r1 00000010  r2 00000010  r3 da9fffe4
    r4 00000010  r5 0000000e  r6 00000080  r7 00000010
    r8 040000d6  r9 00400100  sl 00000010  fp dd8fa7f8
    ip 00000010  sp dd8fa798  lr 00000001  pc dfdeefd8  cpsr 800f0010

    #00 pc 00221fd8  /data/app/ (_ZN10libtorrent14disk_io_thread16try_flush_hashedEPNS_18cached_piece_entryEiRNS_9tailqueueINS_11disk_io_jobEEERNSt6__ndk111unique_lockINS7_5mutexEEE+340)
    #01 pc 00228a18  /data/app/ (_ZN10libtorrent14disk_io_thread15do_flush_hashedEPNS_11disk_io_jobERNS_9tailqueueIS1_EE+252)
    #02 pc 00223d6c  /data/app/ (_ZN10libtorrent14disk_io_thread11perform_jobEPNS_11disk_io_jobERNS_9tailqueueIS1_EE+144)
    #03 pc 0022947c  /data/app/ (_ZN10libtorrent14disk_io_thread10thread_funENS0_13thread_type_tEN5boost4asio10io_service4workE+436)
    #04 pc 0022a6a8  /data/app/ (_ZN10libtorrent14disk_io_thread9job_queue10thread_funEN5boost4asio10io_service4workE+56)
    #05 pc 0022f0b8  /data/app/ (_ZNSt6__ndk114__thread_proxyINS_5tupleIJNS_10unique_ptrINS_15__thread_structENS_14default_deleteIS3_EEEEMN10libtorrent21pool_thread_interfaceEFvN5boost4asio10io_service4workEEPS8_SC_EEEEEPvSH_+156)
    #06 pc 0003fa3b  /system/lib/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
    #07 pc 0001a085  /system/lib/ (__start_thread+6)

Any hint of where to look? Now I have debug versions but are useless, since this error manifest only in release while running in the wild.