arvindvyas / Country-State-Select

It will fetch the countries and according to that fetch the state of that countries, currently it is for countries listing
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Feature to default select options #39

Open arvindvyas opened 8 years ago

arvindvyas commented 8 years ago

this is patch

   <%= f.input :test_country, label: "Country", collection: CountryStateSelect.countries_collection, selected:CountryStateSelect.countries_collection[229] %>

    <%= f.input :test_state, collection: CS.states(:us).values, selected: CS.states(:us)[:FL] %>

Looking for method which we can set by chosen itself

joseh-henrique commented 7 years ago

Using this way it values ​​are frozen, I have to start by the country and state so I select another city for example, how to do with javascript this correctly?

Attempts below, no result :-(

First try _form.html.erb

<%= f.hidden_field :leader_id %>
<%= f.input :country_code, label: 'País',
            collection: CountryStateSelect.countries_collection,
            selected: CountryStateSelect
                .select{|_nome,sigla| sigla == f.object.leader.country_code.to_sym}[0][1] %>
<%= f.input :subregion_code,
            field_names: {country: :country_code, state: :subregion_code},
            collection: CS.states(f.object.leader.country_code.to_sym).values,
            selected: CS.states(f.object.leader.country_code.to_sym)[f.object.leader.subregion_code.to_sym] %>
<%= f.input :city,
            field_names: {state: :subregion_code, city: :city},
            collection: CS.cities(f.object.leader.subregion_code.to_sym, f.object.leader.country_code.to_sym),
            selected: CS.cities(f.object.leader.subregion_code.to_sym, f.object.leader.country_code.to_sym)
                .select{ |x| x.to_s == } %>

Second attempt enrolments_controller.rb

def new_participant
  @user ={
        president: @enrolment.president,
        country_code: @enrolment.country_code,
        subregion_code: @enrolment.subregion_code,


<%= f.input :country_code, collection: CountryStateSelect.countries_collection %>
<%= f.input :subregion_code, CountryStateSelect.state_options(
            form: f,
            field_names: {country: :country_code, state: :subregion_code}) %>
<%= f.input :city, CountryStateSelect.city_options(
           form: f,
           field_names: {state: :subregion_code, city: :city}) %>

Nada. Subregion_code and city freeze, I must change the country to work if I have to change the city. :-(

jondkinney commented 5 years ago

Here's what worked for me. It's in the context of a search for users, so it's not a form for an existing record. That being the case I was able to initialize a user object with the proper country_field details to make the default country selection and proper states (states from the US in my case) load by default on a fresh page render before any JS is executed.

= simple_form_for (params[:user][:country_field] rescue 'US')), url: search_index_path, method: :get do |f|
      = f.input :country_field, collection: CountryStateSelect.countries_collection, prompt: 'Select Country', label: 'Country', input_html: { class: 'selectize' }
      - state_options = { form: f, field_names: { country: :country_field, state: :state_field } }
      = f.input :state_field, CountryStateSelect.state_options(state_options).merge(label: 'State/Province', selected: (params[:user][:state_field] rescue ''), prompt: 'Select State/Province')