arvindvyas / Country-State-Select

It will fetch the countries and according to that fetch the state of that countries, currently it is for countries listing
MIT License
69 stars 78 forks source link

Receiving uninitialized constant for CountryStateSelect for 3.0.3 #57

Closed RailsCod3rFuture closed 5 years ago

RailsCod3rFuture commented 5 years ago

I can no longer mount CountryStateSelect::Engine with 3.0.3? My rails is unable to locate the constant.....I'm using Rails 5.2 and ruby 2.4.4

NameError (uninitialized constant CountryStateSelect):

config/routes.rb:4:in block in <top (required)>' config/routes.rb:1:in<top (required)>'


mount CountryStateSelect::Engine => '/'

Rails cannot load the js file as well.