It is not a high priority, so I am leaving this template here.
One issue is that for many plots we have black or grays as defaults. So if the user use a dark style like this, plots may not look good.
figure.facecolor: black # broken white outside box
figure.edgecolor: None # broken white outside box
figure.titleweight: bold # weight of the figure title
figure.titlesize: 18
It is not a high priority, so I am leaving this template here.
One issue is that for many plots we have black or grays as defaults. So if the user use a dark style like this, plots may not look good.
figure.facecolor: black # broken white outside box figure.edgecolor: None # broken white outside box figure.titleweight: bold # weight of the figure title figure.titlesize: 18
figure.figsize: 6, 5 figure.dpi: 200.0 figure.constrained_layout.use: True
*** normal font.variant: normal font.weight: normal font.stretch: normal
text.color: .85
axes.facecolor: 0.05 axes.edgecolor: black # axes edge color axes.linewidth: 0.8 # edge line width
axes.grid: False # do not show grid
axes.grid.axis: y # which axis the grid should apply to
axes.grid.which: major # grid lines at {major, minor, both} ticks axes.axisbelow: True # keep grid layer in the back
grid.color: .2 # grid color grid.linestyle: - # solid grid.linewidth: 0.8 # in points grid.alpha: 1.0 # transparency, between 0.0 and 1.0
lines.solid_capstyle: round
axes.spines.right: False # do not show right spine False # do not show top spine
axes.titlesize: 16 axes.titleweight: bold # font weight of title
axes.labelsize: 14 axes.labelcolor: .85 axes.labelweight: normal # weight of the x and y labels
color-blind friendly cycle designed using
see preview and check for colorblindness here
axes.prop_cycle: cycler(color=["008b92", "f15c58", "48cdef", "98d81a", "997ee5", "f5dc9d", "c90a4e", "145393", "ffffff", "616161"])
image.cmap: viridis
xtick.labelsize: 14 xtick.color: .85 False xtick.bottom: True xtick.direction: out
ytick.labelsize: 14 ytick.color: .85 ytick.left: True ytick.right: False ytick.direction: out
legend.framealpha: 0.5 legend.frameon: False # do not draw on background patch legend.fancybox: False # do not round corners
legend.numpoints: 1 legend.scatterpoints: 1
legend.fontsize: 14