arvkevi / ezancestry

Easy genetic ancestry predictions in Python
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Unable to load umap model #64

Closed redjay8 closed 4 months ago

redjay8 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm unable to load the included umap models. PCA models work.

When running the following code,

# write all the super population dimred models for kidd and Seldin
for aisnps_set, df, df_labels in zip(
    ["kidd", "Seldin"], 
    [df_kidd_encoded, df_seldin_encoded], 
    [df_kidd["superpopulation"], df_seldin["superpopulation"]]
    for algorithm, labels in zip(["pca", "umap", "nca"], [None, None, None, df_labels]):
        df_reduced = dimensionality_reduction(df, algorithm=algorithm, aisnps_set=aisnps_set, overwrite_model=OVERWRITE_MODEL, labels=labels, population_level="super population")
        knn_model = train(df_reduced, df_labels, algorithm=algorithm, aisnps_set=aisnps_set, k=9, population_level="superpopulation", overwrite_model=OVERWRITE_MODEL)

I get the error below:

2022-08-22 17:16:03.823 | INFO     | ezancestry.dimred:dimensionality_reduction:126 - Successfully loaded a dimensionality reduction model
pca kidd False None
umap kidd False None
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [17], in <cell line: 2>()
      7 for algorithm, labels in zip(["pca", "umap", "nca"], [None, None, None, df_labels]):
      8     print(algorithm,aisnps_set,OVERWRITE_MODEL,labels)
----> 9     df_reduced = dimensionality_reduction(df, algorithm=algorithm, aisnps_set=aisnps_set, overwrite_model=OVERWRITE_MODEL, labels=labels, population_level="super population")
     10     knn_model = train(df_reduced, df_labels, algorithm=algorithm, aisnps_set=aisnps_set, k=9, population_level="superpopulation", overwrite_model=OVERWRITE_MODEL)

File ~/ezancestry/ezancestry/, in dimensionality_reduction(df, algorithm, aisnps_set, n_components, overwrite_model, labels, population_level, models_directory, random_state)
    105 if algorithm in set(["pca", "umap"]):
    106     try:
--> 107         reducer = joblib.load(
    108             models_directory.joinpath(f"{algorithm}.{aisnps_set}.bin")
    109         )
    110     except FileNotFoundError:
    111         return None

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/joblib/, in load(filename, mmap_mode)
    581             if isinstance(fobj, str):
    582                 # if the returned file object is a string, this means we
    583                 # try to load a pickle file generated with an version of
    584                 # Joblib so we load it with joblib compatibility function.
    585                 return load_compatibility(fobj)
--> 587             obj = _unpickle(fobj, filename, mmap_mode)
    588 return obj

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/joblib/, in _unpickle(fobj, filename, mmap_mode)
    504 obj = None
    505 try:
--> 506     obj = unpickler.load()
    507     if unpickler.compat_mode:
    508         warnings.warn("The file '%s' has been generated with a "
    509                       "joblib version less than 0.10. "
    510                       "Please regenerate this pickle file."
    511                       % filename,
    512                       DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/, in _Unpickler.load(self)
   1210             raise EOFError
   1211         assert isinstance(key, bytes_types)
-> 1212         dispatch[key[0]](self)
   1213 except _Stop as stopinst:
   1214     return stopinst.value

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/, in _Unpickler.load_reduce(self)
   1587 args = stack.pop()
   1588 func = stack[-1]
-> 1589 stack[-1] = func(*args)

File ~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numba/core/, in _unpickle__CustomPickled(serialized)
     92 def _unpickle__CustomPickled(serialized):
     93     """standard unpickling for `_CustomPickled`.
     95     Uses `NumbaPickler` to load.
     96     """
---> 97     ctor, states = loads(serialized)
     98     return _CustomPickled(ctor, states)

AttributeError: Can't get attribute '_rebuild_function' on <module 'numba.core.serialize' from '/Users/jacksonc08/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numba/core/'>

I have tested that it is certainly the UMAP model that is causing the issue.

import pandas as pd

import joblib

obj = joblib.load(r"/Users/jacksonc08/ezancestry/data/models/umap.kidd.bin")

This gives the same error.

Looking online, it seems to be an issue with the numba package (a dependency of joblib), which no longer includes the _rebuild_function function. See here.

Do you have any recommendations on how to fix this error? Many thanks.

arvkevi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for posting the issue, I will take a look this weekend. I have a lot of housekeeping to do on this repo. Any progress on your end for a workaround in the meantime?

redjay8 commented 1 year ago

Hi. I'm currently using PCA at the moment and trying to find the error, but is still unsuccessful.


arvkevi commented 1 year ago

It could be a Python version issue. I was able to load the model using Python 3.7. In the next release, ezancestry should build and dump umap models using each minor version of Python (3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10). Then at runtime, ezancestry should check the Python version and load the appropriate model. I haven't tested this theory. I'll try to get to it soon, but feel free to open a PR if you're able to figure it out first!

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