arx8x / v0rtexNonce

set generator for iOS 10.3 with v0rtex exploit by siguza
73 stars 27 forks source link

6S+ N66AP can't use. #16

Closed Gray0x0 closed 6 years ago

Gray0x0 commented 6 years ago
Detail = 0;

State = 0;


kind = 1;

new = 0;


kind = 1;

new = 0;


kind = 1;

new = 0;


<SBMainWorkspaceTransitionRequest: 0x1714e9780; eventLabel: ActivateApplication = xyz.xninja.v0rtexNonce; display: Main; source: HomeScreen> {

applicationContext = <SBWorkspaceApplicationTransitionContext: 0x1710db120; background: NO> entities = {

    SBLayoutPrimaryRole = <SBWorkspaceApplication: 0x170e8bf90; ID: xyz.xninja.v0rtexNonce; layoutRole: primary>;



Detail = 0;

State = 1;


kind = 1;

new = 1;


new = 1;


kind = 1;

new = 1;


61 6c657274 223a22e5 8aab28e8 8bb9e69e 9ce9998d e7baa7\M-b\M^@\M-&

APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>;

APSProtocolCommand = 10;

APSProtocolMessageID = <e5023e16>;

APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10;

APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412259282656882;
APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e9ab98 e7baa7e6 99bae883 bde69cba e599a8e4 baba284a 61696c62 7265616b e8b68ae7 8bb1e68a 80e69caf e680bbe9 83a8293a 5be59bbe e789875d 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3231312c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22343736 30373930 30222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22343736 30373930 307c3661 75593537 716e3570 6d363649 4f393570 7936355a 6d6f354c 7136222c 2272223a 22677c34 35313233 34377c38 32343235 387c3135 31333431 32323538 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>;
APSProtocolToken = <da15ed98 844d03c0 9e0ef535 3e7<\M-b\M^@\M-&>

acme = "";
aps =     {
    alert = "\134U9ad8\134U7ea7\134U667a\134U80fd\134U673a\134U5668\134U4eba(Jailbreak\134U8d8a\134U72f1\134U6280\134U672f\134U603b\134U90e8):[\134U56fe\134U7247]";
    badge = 18211;

    category = reply;


asu = 47607900;
qr = "47607900|6auY57qn5pm66IO95py65Zmo5Lq6";
r = "g|4512347|824258|1513412258|448749573";
t = 1;

}' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10

APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>;

APSProtocolCommand = 10;

APSProtocolMessageID = <aca50eb6>;

APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10;
APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412259283078706;
APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e58aab 28e88bb9 e69e9ce9 998de7ba a7e5928c e5ae89e5 8d93e58d 87e7baa7 e7bea429 3a40e380 80e38080 e38080e3 8080e380 80e38080 e38080e3 808020e5 8faae883 bde588b0 31312e32 e4ba86e5 90a7222c 22626164 6765223a 31383231 302c2263 61746567 6f727922 3a227265 706c7922 7d2c2261 636d6522 3a22222c 22617375 223a2234 31373536 33363737 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 34313735 36333637 377c222c 2272223a 22677c35 32333636 3032387c 36353135 30307c31 35313334 31323235 387c3434 38373439 35373322 7d>;
APSProtocolToken = <da15ed98 844d03c0 9e0ef535 3e7a4697 <\M-b\M^@\M-&>

acme = "";

aps =     {

    alert = "\134U52ab(\134U82f9\134U679c\134U964d\134U7ea7\134U548c\134U5b89\134U5353\134U5347\134U7ea7\134U7fa4):@\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000 \134U53ea\134U80fd\134U523011.2\134U4e86\134U5427";

    badge = 18210;
    category = reply;
asu = 417563677;

qr = "417563677|";

r = "g|52366028|651500|1513412258|448749573";

t = 1;

}' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10

"message" => <dictionary: 0x103238a10> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =

    "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => <data: 0x103226230>: { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351340020000000000801200000000d97f... }
"message-type" => <int64: 0x10039d460>: 30


"message" => <dictionary: 0x103238a10> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =

    "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => <data: 0x1003b8580>: { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135133f020000000000801200000000d97f... }
"message-type" => <int64: 0x103225470>: 30


nterface: WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces.

APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>;

APSProtocolCommand = 10;

APSProtocolMessageID = <671c2d34>;

APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10;

APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412261860433742;

APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e99baa e69c8d2d e8bf9ce5 bd92efbc 88e69c8b e58f8be4 bda0e99c 80e8a681 e4b880e7 82b9e7bb bfe889b2 28e6b290 e5b8aee4 b8bbe7b2 89e4b89d e4ba92e5 8aa8e7be a42e2032 293ae593 88e59388 e59388e5 9388e593 88e59388 e5938822 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 31322c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 39383137 32343132 35222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22393831 37323431 32357c36 5a757135 70794e4c 65692f6e 4f57396b 752b3869 4f616369 2b575069 2b53396f 4f6d6367 4f696d67 65533467 4f654375 65653776 2b694a73 673d3d22 2c<\M-b\M^@\M-&>

acme = "";

aps =     {

    alert = "\134U96ea\134U670d-\134U8fdc\134U5f52\134Uff08\134U670b\134U53cb\134U4f60\134U9700\134U8981\134U4e00\134U70b9\134U7eff\134U8272(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):\134U54c8\134U54c8\134U54c8\134U54c8\134U54c8\134U54c8\134U54c8";

    badge = 18212;

    category = reply;
asu = 981724125;

qr = "981724125|6Zuq5pyNLei/nOW9ku+8iOaci+WPi+S9oOmcgOimgeS4gOeCuee7v+iJsg==";

r = "g|193560538|3187889|1513412261|448749573";

t = 1;

}' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10

"message" => <dictionary: 0x1004aa2f0> { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents =

    "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => <data: 0x103327800>: { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351388020000000000801200000000d97f... }


"message-type" => <int64: 0x100447a40>: 30


] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:24.000000, denominator:33.500000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ) ) APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <4df6e080>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412265338094783; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e58f8c e6a2a62d e6b885e6 ad8c28e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a 5be59bbe e789875d 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3231332c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22313834 32353635 35363422 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2231 38343235 36353536 347c3559 2b4d3571 4b6d4c65 61346865 61746a41 3d3d222c 2272223a 22677c31 39333536 30353338 7c333138 37383930 7c313531 33343132 3236347c 34343837 34393537 33227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U53cc\134U68a6-\134U6e05\134U6b4c(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18213; category = reply; }; asu = 1842565564; qr = "1842565564|5Y+M5qKmLea4heatjA=="; r = "g|193560538|3187890|1513412264|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135133b020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <7a2c56f0>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412265995049230; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e4baa2e9 be99e380 91e5a4a7 e78b97e7 96afe697 a0e7ac91 28e58991 e7bd9133 e4b890e5 b8ae5056 50e4baa4 e6b581e7 bea4293a e68891e4 b88de69c 8d222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323134 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223131 35343735 37383434 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 31313534 37353738 34347c34 34435135 4c716936 62365a34 34435235 61536e35 34755835 35617635 70656735 36795222 2c227222 3a22677c 31323634 35333835 337c3131 33363633 337c3135 31333431 32323635 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>; APSPr<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U4ea2\134U9f99\134U3011\134U5927\134U72d7\134U75af\134U65e0\134U7b11(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U6211\134U4e0d\134U670d"; badge = 18214; category = reply; }; asu = 1154757844; qr = "1154757844|44CQ5Lqi6b6Z44CR5aSn54uX55av5peg56yR"; r = "g|126453853|1136633|1513412265|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351358020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <3f12bddb>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412266473248892; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22333135 3028546f 6d61746f 2050686f 656e6978 20e4b88d e6adbbe9 b89f293a 5be59bbe e789875d 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3231352c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22333935 39323238 3833222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223339 35393232 3838337c 4d7a4531 4d413d3d 222c2272 223a2267 7c353437 39383836 30367c37 39313732 357c3135 31333431 32323635 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>; APSProtocolToken = ; APSProtocolTopicHash = <9cb8738c <\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "3150(Tomato Phoenix \134U4e0d\134U6b7b\134U9e1f):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18215; category = reply; }; asu = 395922883; qr = "395922883|MzE1MA=="; r = "g|547988606|791725|1513412265|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351320020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 100; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 0x000000010076fb68 + 15208 3 0x000000010076edbc + 11708 4 0x000000010076e9a8 + 10664 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc <\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 0x000000010076fb68 + 15208 3 0x000000010076edbc + 11708 4 0x000000010076e9a8 + 10664 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc <\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 0x000000010076ff5c + 16220 4 0x000000010076edbc + 11708 5 0x000000010076e9a8 + 10664 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 <\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 0x000000010076ff5c + 16220 4 0x000000010076edbc + 11708 5 0x000000010076e9a8 + 10664 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 <\M-b\M^@\M-&> th 384) onInterface: WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces. APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412273523317725; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e99fb3 e9a291e5 9c88e299 82e7a28e e7868a28 e6989fe7 82b9e6b7 b7e99fb3 e4baa4e6 b581e7be a4293ae5 b7a5e7a8 8b637072 e69687e4 bbb6e4bf 9de5ad98 e4ba86e5 8faae69c 89e587a0 e58d816b 62e6ada3 e5b8b8e5 9097efbc 9fe59ca8 e588abe7 9a84e794 b5e88491 e4b88ae8 83bde689 93e5bc80 e5ae8ce6 95b4e5b7 a5e7a88b e4b88d22 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 31362c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 31383338 34383534 3431222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223138 33383438 35343431 7c365a2b 7a36614b 52355a79 4934706d 4335364b 4f<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U97f3\134U9891\134U5708\134U2642\134U788e\134U718a(\134U661f\134U70b9\134U6df7\134U97f3\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U5de5\134U7a0bcpr\134U6587\134U4ef6\134U4fdd\134U5b58\134U4e86\134U53ea\134U6709\134U51e0\134U5341kb\134U6b63\134U5e38\134U5417\134Uff1f\134U5728\134U522b\134U7684\134U7535\134U8111\134U4e0a\134U80fd\134U6253\134U5f00\134U5b8c\134U6574\134U5de5\134U7a0b\134U4e0d"; badge = 18216; category = reply; }; asu = 1838485441; qr = "1838485441|6Z+z6aKR5ZyI4pmC56KO54aK"; r = "g|242278140|701207|1513412272|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351392020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> LinkQualityValue = ( 50, 100 ); } kind = 1; new = 100; } kind = 1; new = 100; } kind = 1; new = 100; } APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <81f561a5>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412274646611403; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e9ab98 e7baa7e6 99bae883 bde69cba e599a8e4 baba284a 61696c62 7265616b e8b68ae7 8bb1e68a 80e69caf e680bbe9 83a8293a e4b88de7 9fa5e981 93e588b0 e69c88e5 ba95e883 bde4b88d e883bde5 87913230 30e5bfab 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3231372c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22343736 30373930 30222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22343736 30373930 307c3661 75593537 716e3570 6d363649 4f393570 7936355a 6d6f354c 7136222c 2272223a 22677c34 35313233 34377c38 32343235 397c3135 31333431 32323733 7c343438 37343935 37<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U9ad8\134U7ea7\134U667a\134U80fd\134U673a\134U5668\134U4eba(Jailbreak\134U8d8a\134U72f1\134U6280\134U672f\134U603b\134U90e8):\134U4e0d\134U77e5\134U9053\134U5230\134U6708\134U5e95\134U80fd\134U4e0d\134U80fd\134U51d1200\134U5feb"; badge = 18217; category = reply; }; asu = 47607900; qr = "47607900|6auY57qn5pm66IO95py65Zmo5Lq6"; r = "g|4512347|824259|1513412273|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351360020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> face: WWAN. Connected on 1 interfaces. APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <292687cc>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412276334714369; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e99baa e69c8d2d e8bf9ce5 bd92efbc 88e69c8b e58f8be4 bda0e99c 80e8a681 e4b880e7 82b9e7bb bfe889b2 28e6b290 e5b8aee4 b8bbe7b2 89e4b89d e4ba92e5 8aa8e7be a42e2032 293ae6b8 85e6ad8c e5b08fe5 a790e5a7 9036e593 87222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323138 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223938 31373234 31323522 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2239 38313732 34313235 7c365a75 71357079 4e4c6569 2f6e4f57 396b752b 38694f61 63692b57 50692b53 396f4f6d 63674f69 6d676553 34674f65 43756565 37762b69 4a73673d 3d222c22 72<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:24.000000, denominator:33.500000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U96ea\134U670d-\134U8fdc\134U5f52\134Uff08\134U670b\134U53cb\134U4f60\134U9700\134U8981\134U4e00\134U70b9\134U7eff\134U8272(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):\134U6e05\134U6b4c\134U5c0f\134U59d0\134U59d06\134U54c7"; badge = 18218; category = reply; }; asu = 981724125; qr = "981724125|6Zuq5pyNLei/nOW9ku+8iOaci+WPi+S9oOmcgOimgeS4gOeCuee7v+iJsg=="; r = "g|193560538|3187891|1513412275|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135138a020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <6af40ea5>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412276704148376; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e998b3 e5858928 e8bf85e9 9bb7e8b5 9ae992b1 e5ae9de6 8a80e69c afe4baa4 e6b58129 3a332e35 e8a68131 3030e4b8 aaefbc8c e58588e8 9b8be79a 84e69da5 efbc81e6 94afe4bb 98e5ae9d 373634e5 8886efbc 81e8aea4 e5878637 3634e588 86efbc81 e8bf99e4 b8aae4b8 8de58faf e4bba5e6 a8a1e4bb bfefbc81 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3231392c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22373539 31333338 3137222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223735 39313333 3831377c 222c2272 223a2267 7c343830 36333236 36367c33 34383235 377c3135 31333431 32<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U9633\134U5149(\134U8fc5\134U96f7\134U8d5a\134U94b1\134U5b9d\134U6280\134U672f\134U4ea4\134U6d41):3.5\134U8981100\134U4e2a\134Uff0c\134U5148\134U86cb\134U7684\134U6765\134Uff01\134U652f\134U4ed8\134U5b9d764\134U5206\134Uff01\134U8ba4\134U51c6764\134U5206\134Uff01\134U8fd9\134U4e2a\134U4e0d\134U53ef\134U4ee5\134U6a21\134U4eff\134Uff01"; badge = 18219; category = reply; }; asu = 759133817; qr = "759133817|"; r = "g|480632666|348257|1513412275|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135136a020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <7450cdfe>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412278351332998; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22333135 3028546f 6d61746f 2050686f 656e6978 20e4b88d e6adbbe9 b89f293a e8bf99e7 8ea9e684 8fe6808e e4b988e6 8ea5e7ba bf222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323230 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223339 35393232 38383322 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2233 39353932 32383833 7c4d7a45 314d413d 3d222c22 72223a22 677c3534 37393838 3630367c 37393137 32367c31 35313334 31323237 377c3434 38373439 35373322 7d>; APSProtocolToken = ; APS<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "3150(Tomato Phoenix \134U4e0d\134U6b7b\134U9e1f):\134U8fd9\134U73a9\134U610f\134U600e\134U4e48\134U63a5\134U7ebf"; badge = 18220; category = reply; }; asu = 395922883; qr = "395922883|MzE1MA=="; r = "g|547988606|791726|1513412277|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135132d020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> 15 00b87328 82a73b07 800d8a0f 20560ad6 7c2a5697 06f2b8<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <4aafd12e>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412279542250928; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e99baa e69c8d2d e8bf9ce5 bd92efbc 88e69c8b e58f8be4 bda0e99c 80e8a681 e4b880e7 82b9e7bb bfe889b2 28e6b290 e5b8aee4 b8bbe7b2 89e4b89d e4ba92e5 8aa8e7be a42e2032 293a5be5 9bbee789 875d222c 22626164 6765223a 31383232 322c2263 61746567 6f727922 3a227265 706c7922 7d2c2261 636d6522 3a22222c 22617375 223a2239 38313732 34313235 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 39383137 32343132 357c365a 75713570 794e4c65 692f6e4f 57396b75 2b38694f 6163692b 5750692b 53396f4f 6d63674f 696d6765 5334674f 65437565 6537762b 694a7367 3d3d222c 2272223a 22677c31 39333536 30<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U96ea\134U670d-\134U8fdc\134U5f52\134Uff08\134U670b\134U53cb\134U4f60\134U9700\134U8981\134U4e00\134U70b9\134U7eff\134U8272(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18222; category = reply; }; asu = 981724125; qr = "981724125|6Zuq5pyNLei/nOW9ku+8iOaci+WPi+S9oOmcgOimgeS4gOeCuee7v+iJsg=="; r = "g|193560538|3187892|1513412278|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412279536887611; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22523633 30305632 2f4a3139 30302f6e 65776966 695f332f 594b2d4c 312f4b32 28546f6d 61746f20 50686f65 6e697820 e4b88de6 adbbe9b8 9f293ae5 88b7e5ae 8ce4ba86 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3232312c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22343532 32343632 3531222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223435 32323436 3235317c 556a597a 4d444257 4d69394b 4d546b77 4d433975 5a586470 5a6d6c66 4d79395a 5379314d 4d53394c 4d673d3d 222c2272 223a2267 7c353437 39383836 30367c37 39313732 377c3135 31333431 32323738 7c343438 37343935 37<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "R6300V2/J1900/newifi_3/YK-L1/K2(Tomato Phoenix \134U4e0d\134U6b7b\134U9e1f):\134U5237\134U5b8c\134U4e86"; badge = 18221; category = reply; }; asu = 452246251; qr = "452246251|UjYzMDBWMi9KMTkwMC9uZXdpZmlfMy9ZSy1MMS9LMg=="; r = "g|547988606|791727|1513412278|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135137b020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135135c020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35a00 + 116 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 124 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185157100 _pthread_wqthread + 1096 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185156cac s<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ) ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412285796341927; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e58f8c e6a2a62d e6b885e6 ad8c28e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a 5be59bbe e789875d 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3232332c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22313834 32353635 35363422 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2231 38343235 36353536 347c3559 2b4d3571 4b6d4c65 61346865 61746a41 3d3d222c 2272223a 22677c31 39333536 30353338 7c333138 37383933 7c313531 33343132 3238347c 34343837 34393537 33227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U53cc\134U68a6-\134U6e05\134U6b4c(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18223; category = reply; }; asu = 1842565564; qr = "1842565564|5Y+M5qKmLea4heatjA=="; r = "g|193560538|3187893|1513412284|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351337020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412286391174958; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38080 e38080e3 8080e380 80e38080 e38080e3 8080e380 8028e88b b9e69e9c e9998de7 baa7e592 8ce5ae89 e58d93e5 8d87e7ba a7e7bea4 293a3131 2e31e58f 88e585b3 e4ba86e5 958aefbc 8ce8bf99 e4b988e5 bfabe595 8a222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323234 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223433 34363430 34303222 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2234 33343634 30343032 7c222c22 72223a22 677c3532 33363630 32387c36 35313530 317c3135 31333431 32323835 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000(\134U82f9\134U679c\134U964d\134U7ea7\134U548c\134U5b89\134U5353\134U5347\134U7ea7\134U7fa4):11.1\134U53c8\134U5173\134U4e86\134U554a\134Uff0c\134U8fd9\134U4e48\134U5feb\134U554a"; badge = 18224; category = reply; }; asu = 434640402; qr = "434640402|"; r = "g|52366028|651501|1513412285|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351346020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) 33 36363334 7c313531 33343132 3238377c 34343837 343935<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <0032b1a8>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412288510793651; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e58d83e5 b29be6b9 96efbc8c e58f8ce6 a2a6e380 912020e8 afb7e68f 90e98692 e68891e4 b88de8a6 81e59083 e59083e5 9083efbc 8128e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae696b0 e4babae5 b181e882 a1e7acac e4b880e6 91b8e7bb 99e4bda0 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3232352c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22313535 31333036 37393922 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2231 35353133 30363739 397c3434 43513559 32443562 4b623572 6d573737 794d3559 2b4d3571 4b6d3434 43524943 446f7237 666d6a35 44<\M-b\M^@\M-&> 27d> timestamp 2017-12-16 08:18:08 +0000 acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U5343\134U5c9b\134U6e56\134Uff0c\134U53cc\134U68a6\134U3011 \134U8bf7\134U63d0\134U9192\134U6211\134U4e0d\134U8981\134U5403\134U5403\134U5403\134Uff01(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U65b0\134U4eba\134U5c41\134U80a1\134U7b2c\134U4e00\134U6478\134U7ed9\134U4f60"; badge = 18225; category = reply; }; asu = 1551306799; qr = "1551306799|44CQ5Y2D5bKb5rmW77yM5Y+M5qKm44CRICDor7fmj5DphpLmiJHkuI3opoHlkIPlkIPlkIPvvIE="; r = "g|126453853|1136634|1513412287|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <774a973a>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412288509682865; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22636f6e 74656e74 2d617661 696c6162 6c65223a 317d2c22 61636d65 223a2270 7573685f 6765744d 73677c22 7d>; APSProtocolToken = ; APSProtocolTopicHash = <9cb8738c 8d1e4f94 b4fd816a 20473bb9 5dc6f4b7>; } acme = "push_getMsg|"; aps = { "content-available" = 1; }; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c697374313513af020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c697374313513a0010000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> instantQuality = 1; }, opt: (null) instantQuality = 1; }, opt: (null) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35a00 + 116 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 124 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185157100 _pthread_wqthread + 1096 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185156cac start_<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e34744 + 268 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35bc8 + 184 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 1<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e34744 + 268 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35bc8 + 184 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 1<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ) ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35a00 + 116 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 124 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185157100 _pthread_wqthread + 1096 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185156cac s<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e34744 + 268 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35bc8 + 184 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e34744 + 268 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35bc8 + 184 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <91b5e3be>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412299068364863; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e5a4a7 e5b08f28 e8bf85e9 9bb7e8b5 9ae992b1 e5ae9de6 8a80e69c afe4baa4 e6b58129 3a5be59b bee78987 5d222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323236 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223734 36323937 34303122 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2237 34363239 37343031 7c356153 6e356243 50222c22 72223a22 677c3438 30363332 3636367c 33343832 35387c31 35313334 31323239 387c3434 38373439 35373322 7d>; APSProtocolToken = ; APSProtocolTopicHash <\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U5927\134U5c0f(\134U8fc5\134U96f7\134U8d5a\134U94b1\134U5b9d\134U6280\134U672f\134U4ea4\134U6d41):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18226; category = reply; }; asu = 746297401; qr = "746297401|5aSn5bCP"; r = "g|480632666|348258|1513412298|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351325020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> 1 interfaces. APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <1c505fba>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412300664515833; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e99baa e69c8d2d e8bf9ce5 bd92efbc 88e69c8b e58f8be4 bda0e99c 80e8a681 e4b880e7 82b9e7bb bfe889b2 28e6b290 e5b8aee4 b8bbe7b2 89e4b89d e4ba92e5 8aa8e7be a42e2032 293a5be5 9bbee789 875d222c 22626164 6765223a 31383232 372c2263 61746567 6f727922 3a227265 706c7922 7d2c2261 636d6522 3a22222c 22617375 223a2239 38313732 34313235 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 39383137 32343132 357c365a 75713570 794e4c65 692f6e4f 57396b75 2b38694f 6163692b 5750692b 53396f4f 6d63674f 696d6765 5334674f 65437565 6537762b 694a7367 3d3d222c 2272223a 22677c31 39333536 30<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U96ea\134U670d-\134U8fdc\134U5f52\134Uff08\134U670b\134U53cb\134U4f60\134U9700\134U8981\134U4e00\134U70b9\134U7eff\134U8272(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18227; category = reply; }; asu = 981724125; qr = "981724125|6Zuq5pyNLei/nOW9ku+8iOaci+WPi+S9oOmcgOimgeS4gOeCuee7v+iJsg=="; r = "g|193560538|3187894|1513412299|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135137f020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) ) new: ( ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) LinkQuality = 50; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) ) new: ( ) ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 50; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) ) new: ( ) "State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality" ) LinkQuality = 50; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 50; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) LinkQuality = 50; }. My own key State:/Network/Interface/pdp_ip0/LinkQuality. ) new: ( ) ) ) 7c 31313336 3633357c 31353133 34313233 30327c34 343837<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <1d3dcfcd>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412303256040429; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e58d83e5 b29be6b9 96efbc8c e58f8ce6 a2a6e380 912020e8 afb7e68f 90e98692 e68891e4 b88de8a6 81e59083 e59083e5 9083efbc 8128e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae696b0 e4babae8 8f8ae88a b1e7acac e4b880e6 91b8e7bb 99e7bea4 e4b8bb22 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 32382c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 31353531 33303637 3939222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223135 35313330 36373939 7c343443 51355932 4435624b 6235726d 57373779 4d35592b 4d35714b 6d343443 52494344 6f723766 6d<\M-b\M^@\M-&> 9> 53733 227d> timestamp 2017-12-16 08:18:23 +0000 acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U5343\134U5c9b\134U6e56\134Uff0c\134U53cc\134U68a6\134U3011 \134U8bf7\134U63d0\134U9192\134U6211\134U4e0d\134U8981\134U5403\134U5403\134U5403\134Uff01(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U65b0\134U4eba\134U83ca\134U82b1\134U7b2c\134U4e00\134U6478\134U7ed9\134U7fa4\134U4e3b"; badge = 18228; category = reply; }; asu = 1551306799; qr = "1551306799|44CQ5Y2D5bKb5rmW77yM5Y+M5qKm44CRICDor7fmj5DphpLmiJHkuI3opoHlkIPlkIPlkIPvvIE="; r = "g|126453853|1136635|1513412302|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c697374313513b2020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> LinkQualityValue = ( 100, 50 ); } kind = 1; new = 50; } kind = 1; new = 50; } kind = 1; new = 50; } ) ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 0x000000010076fb68 + 15208 3 0x000000010076edbc + 11708 4 0x000000010076e9a8 + 10664 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc <\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 0x000000010076fb68 + 15208 3 0x000000010076edbc + 11708 4 0x000000010076e9a8 + 10664 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc <\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412306766074220; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e594afe6 bba1e4be a0e38091 e5baade7 a78befbc 88e890bd e58d8ae6 9c88efbc 8928e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3a5be59b bee78987 5d222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323239 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223832 34393737 39373122 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2238 32343937 37393731 7c343443 51355a53 76357275 68354c36 67343443 52356271 74353665 4c373779 49364a43 39355932 4b357079 49373779 4a222c22 72223a22 677c3132 36343533 3835337c 31313336 3633367c 31353133 34313233 30<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U552f\134U6ee1\134U4fa0\134U3011\134U5ead\134U79cb\134Uff08\134U843d\134U534a\134U6708\134Uff09(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18229; category = reply; }; asu = 824977971; qr = "824977971|44CQ5ZSv5ruh5L6g44CR5bqt56eL77yI6JC95Y2K5pyI77yJ"; r = "g|126453853|1136636|1513412305|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <26b1757f>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412306895681547; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e6a2a6 e8889e2f e58d8ee4 b9be2de5 87a4e4ba 8ce596b5 e587bae9 9d92e79b 92616e64 e58d96e5 94b128e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a 5be59bbe e789875d 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3233302c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22323032 33363833 3038222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223230 32333638 3330387c 35714b6d 36496965 4c2b574e 6a755335 7669336c 6836546b 756f7a6c 6c72586c 68377270 6e5a4c6e 6d354a68 626d546c 6a5a626c 6c4c453d 222c2272 223a2267 7c313933 35363035 33387c33 31<\M-b\M^@\M-&> ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:24.000000, denominator:33.500000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} ] sumScores:18.510000, denominator:28.010000, FinalDecision: Must Not Proceed FinalScore: 0.000000} acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U68a6\134U821e/\134U534e\134U4e7e-\134U51e4\134U4e8c\134U55b5\134U51fa\134U9752\134U76d2and\134U5356\134U5531(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18230; category = reply; }; asu = 202368308; qr = "202368308|5qKm6IieL+WNjuS5vi3lh6TkuozllrXlh7rpnZLnm5JhbmTljZbllLE="; r = "g|193560538|3187895|1513412306|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351366020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351375020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <3faa094d>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412310911646737; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22523633 30305632 2f4a3139 30302f6e 65776966 695f332f 594b2d4c 312f4b32 28546f6d 61746f20 50686f65 6e697820 e4b88de6 adbbe9b8 9f293a5b e59bbee7 89875d22 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 33312c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 34353232 34363235 31222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22343532 32343632 35317c55 6a597a4d 4442574d 69394b4d 546b774d 4339755a 5864705a 6d6c664d 79395a53 79314d4d 53394c4d 673d3d22 2c227222 3a22677c 35343739 38383630 367c3739 31373238 7c313531 33343132 3331307c 34343837 34393537 33<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "R6300V2/J1900/newifi_3/YK-L1/K2(Tomato Phoenix \134U4e0d\134U6b7b\134U9e1f):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18231; category = reply; }; asu = 452246251; qr = "452246251|UjYzMDBWMi9KMTkwMC9uZXdpZmlfMy9ZSy1MMS9LMg=="; r = "g|547988606|791728|1513412310|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135135b020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412315160816428; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e58f8c e6a2a62d e6b885e6 ad8c28e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a e4b880e6 b3a2e8b5 a2e4ba86 3630e588 86222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323332 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223138 34323536 35353634 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 31383432 35363535 36347c35 592b4d35 714b6d4c 65613468 6561746a 413d3d22 2c227222 3a22677c 31393335 36303533 387c3331 38373839 367c3135 31333431 32333134 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U53cc\134U68a6-\134U6e05\134U6b4c(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):\134U4e00\134U6ce2\134U8d62\134U4e8660\134U5206"; badge = 18232; category = reply; }; asu = 1842565564; qr = "1842565564|5Y+M5qKmLea4heatjA=="; r = "g|193560538|3187896|1513412314|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351344020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412319917051069; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e58d83e5 b29be6b9 96efbc8c e58f8ce6 a2a6e380 912020e8 afb7e68f 90e98692 e68891e4 b88de8a6 81e59083 e59083e5 9083efbc 8128e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae696b0 e4babae5 98b4e594 87e7acac e4b880e4 b988e7bb 99e890bd e8839622 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 33332c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 31353531 33303637 3939222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223135 35313330 36373939 7c343443 51355932 4435624b 6235726d 57373779 4d35592b 4d35714b 6d343443 52494344 6f723766 6d<\M-b\M^@\M-&> 9> 53733 227d> timestamp 2017-12-16 08:18:39 +0000 acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U5343\134U5c9b\134U6e56\134Uff0c\134U53cc\134U68a6\134U3011 \134U8bf7\134U63d0\134U9192\134U6211\134U4e0d\134U8981\134U5403\134U5403\134U5403\134Uff01(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U65b0\134U4eba\134U5634\134U5507\134U7b2c\134U4e00\134U4e48\134U7ed9\134U843d\134U80d6"; badge = 18233; category = reply; }; asu = 1551306799; qr = "1551306799|44CQ5Y2D5bKb5rmW77yM5Y+M5qKm44CRICDor7fmj5DphpLmiJHkuI3opoHlkIPlkIPlkIPvvIE="; r = "g|126453853|1136637|1513412319|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c697374313513b2020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) 1 interfaces. APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412322539834015; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e99baa e69c8d2d e8bf9ce5 bd92efbc 88e69c8b e58f8be4 bda0e99c 80e8a681 e4b880e7 82b9e7bb bfe889b2 28e6b290 e5b8aee4 b8bbe7b2 89e4b89d e4ba92e5 8aa8e7be a42e2032 293a5be5 9bbee789 875d222c 22626164 6765223a 31383233 342c2263 61746567 6f727922 3a227265 706c7922 7d2c2261 636d6522 3a22222c 22617375 223a2239 38313732 34313235 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 39383137 32343132 357c365a 75713570 794e4c65 692f6e4f 57396b75 2b38694f 6163692b 5750692b 53396f4f 6d63674f 696d6765 5334674f 65437565 6537762b 694a7367 3d3d222c 2272223a 22677c31 39333536 30<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U96ea\134U670d-\134U8fdc\134U5f52\134Uff08\134U670b\134U53cb\134U4f60\134U9700\134U8981\134U4e00\134U70b9\134U7eff\134U8272(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18234; category = reply; }; asu = 981724125; qr = "981724125|6Zuq5pyNLei/nOW9ku+8iOaci+WPi+S9oOmcgOimgeS4gOeCuee7v+iJsg=="; r = "g|193560538|3187897|1513412321|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135137b020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <91f4d944>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412330308215828; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e58f8c e6a2a62d e6b885e6 ad8c28e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a 5be59bbe e789875d 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3233352c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22313834 32353635 35363422 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2231 38343235 36353536 347c3559 2b4d3571 4b6d4c65 61346865 61746a41 3d3d222c 2272223a 22677c31 39333536 30353338 7c333138 37383938 7c313531 33343132 3332397c 34343837 34393537 33227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U53cc\134U68a6-\134U6e05\134U6b4c(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18235; category = reply; }; asu = 1842565564; qr = "1842565564|5Y+M5qKmLea4heatjA=="; r = "g|193560538|3187898|1513412329|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351337020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <120b7c16>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412332749017709; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e5b08f e998bfe6 aca3e590 96f09f92 8b28e88b b9e69e9c e9998de7 baa7e592 8ce5ae89 e58d93e5 8d87e7ba a7e7bea4 293ae88b b9e69e9c e585ace5 8fb8e5a4 aae4b88d e58e9ae9 8193e4ba 86222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323336 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223135 37343731 33323037 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 31353734 37313332 30377c22 2c227222 3a22677c 35323336 36303238 7c363531 3530327c 31353133 34313233 33317c34 34383734 39353733 227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U5c0f\134U963f\134U6b23\134U5416\134Ud83d\134Udc8b(\134U82f9\134U679c\134U964d\134U7ea7\134U548c\134U5b89\134U5353\134U5347\134U7ea7\134U7fa4):\134U82f9\134U679c\134U516c\134U53f8\134U592a\134U4e0d\134U539a\134U9053\134U4e86"; badge = 18236; category = reply; }; asu = 1574713207; qr = "1574713207|"; r = "g|52366028|651502|1513412331|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351338020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) n 1 interfaces. APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <54e6a448>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412337239527553; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e6a2a6 e8889e2f e58d8ee4 b9be2de5 87a4e4ba 8ce596b5 e587bae9 9d92e79b 92616e64 e58d96e5 94b128e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a e983bde5 8aa0e580 8de4ba86 e5958a22 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 33372c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 32303233 36383330 38222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22323032 33363833 30387c35 714b6d36 4969654c 2b574e6a 75533576 69336c68 36546b75 6f7a6c6c 72586c68 3772706e 5a4c6e6d 354a6862 6d546c6a 5a626c6c 4c453d22 2c227222 3a22677c 31393335 36<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U68a6\134U821e/\134U534e\134U4e7e-\134U51e4\134U4e8c\134U55b5\134U51fa\134U9752\134U76d2and\134U5356\134U5531(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):\134U90fd\134U52a0\134U500d\134U4e86\134U554a"; badge = 18237; category = reply; }; asu = 202368308; qr = "202368308|5qKm6IieL+WNjuS5vi3lh6TkuozllrXlh7rpnZLnm5JhbmTljZbllLE="; r = "g|193560538|3187899|1513412336|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135137c020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <5885a9fb>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412338762559426; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22695036 73502f31 302e322f 5375284a 61696c62 7265616b e8b68ae7 8bb1e68a 80e69caf e680bbe9 83a8293a 6170706c 65206361 72652070 6c7573e5 b9b4e5b9 b4e68da2 e696b0e8 aea1e588 922fe696 9ce79cbc e7ac9122 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 33382c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 39333939 30333737 32222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22393339 39303337 37327c61 56413263 3141764d 5441754d 69395464 513d3d22 2c227222 3a22677c 34353132 3334377c 38323432 36307c31 35313334 31323333 377c3434 38373439 35373322 7d>; AP<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "iP6sP/10.2/Su(Jailbreak\134U8d8a\134U72f1\134U6280\134U672f\134U603b\134U90e8):apple care plus\134U5e74\134U5e74\134U6362\134U65b0\134U8ba1\134U5212/\134U659c\134U773c\134U7b11"; badge = 18238; category = reply; }; asu = 939903772; qr = "939903772|aVA2c1AvMTAuMi9TdQ=="; r = "g|4512347|824260|1513412337|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351359020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <87c773e8>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412340329791359; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e594afe6 bba1e4be a0e38091 e586b7e4 bc8fe7be b228e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3a5be59b bee78987 5d222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323339 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223233 35313634 35383430 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 32333531 36343538 34307c34 34435135 5a537635 72756835 4c366734 34435235 59613335 4c795035 37367922 2c227222 3a22677c 31323634 35333835 337c3131 33363633 387c3135 31333431 32333339 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U552f\134U6ee1\134U4fa0\134U3011\134U51b7\134U4f0f\134U7fb2(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):[\134U56fe\134U7247]"; badge = 18239; category = reply; }; asu = 2351645840; qr = "2351645840|44CQ5ZSv5ruh5L6g44CR5Ya35LyP576y"; r = "g|126453853|1136638|1513412339|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351350020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <94a37902>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412342306022317; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e5b08f e998bfe6 aca3e590 96f09f92 8b28e88b b9e69e9c e9998de7 baa7e592 8ce5ae89 e58d93e5 8d87e7ba a7e7bea4 293ae4bb a5e5908e e4b88de7 94a8e88b b9e69e9c e4ba8622 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 34302c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 31353734 37313332 3037222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223135 37343731 33323037 7c222c22 72223a22 677c3532 33363630 32387c36 35313530 337c3135 31333431 32333431 7c343438 37343935 3733227d>; APSProtocolToken = acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U5c0f\134U963f\134U6b23\134U5416\134Ud83d\134Udc8b(\134U82f9\134U679c\134U964d\134U7ea7\134U548c\134U5b89\134U5353\134U5347\134U7ea7\134U7fa4):\134U4ee5\134U540e\134U4e0d\134U7528\134U82f9\134U679c\134U4e86"; badge = 18240; category = reply; }; asu = 1574713207; qr = "1574713207|"; r = "g|52366028|651503|1513412341|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351332020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) ) APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412346697175715; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e594afe6 bba1e4be a0e38091 e5baade7 a78befbc 88e890bd e58d8ae6 9c88efbc 8928e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae68891 e4b88de8 a681222c 22626164 6765223a 31383234 312c2263 61746567 6f727922 3a227265 706c7922 7d2c2261 636d6522 3a22222c 22617375 223a2238 32343937 37393731 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 38323439 37373937 317c3434 4351355a 53763572 7568354c 36673434 43523562 71743536 654c3737 7949364a 43393559 324b3570 79493737 794a222c 2272223a 22677c31 32363435 33383533 7c313133 36363339 7c313531 33343132 33<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U552f\134U6ee1\134U4fa0\134U3011\134U5ead\134U79cb\134Uff08\134U843d\134U534a\134U6708\134Uff09(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U6211\134U4e0d\134U8981"; badge = 18241; category = reply; }; asu = 824977971; qr = "824977971|44CQ5ZSv5ruh5L6g44CR5bqt56eL77yI6JC95Y2K5pyI77yJ"; r = "g|126453853|1136639|1513412345|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c6973743135136b020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412348326540936; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e594afe6 bba1e4be a0e38091 e5baade7 a78befbc 88e890bd e58d8ae6 9c88efbc 8928e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae6bb9a 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3234322c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22383234 39373739 3731222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223832 34393737 3937317c 34344351 355a5376 35727568 354c3667 34344352 35627174 3536654c 37377949 364a4339 3559324b 35707949 3737794a 222c2272 223a2267 7c313236 34353338 35337c31 31333636 34307c31 35313334 31323334 377c3434 38<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U552f\134U6ee1\134U4fa0\134U3011\134U5ead\134U79cb\134Uff08\134U843d\134U534a\134U6708\134Uff09(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U6eda"; badge = 18242; category = reply; }; asu = 824977971; qr = "824977971|44CQ5ZSv5ruh5L6g44CR5bqt56eL77yI6JC95Y2K5pyI77yJ"; r = "g|126453853|1136640|1513412347|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351365020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412349975431724; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e594afe6 bba1e4be a0e38091 e5baade7 a78befbc 88e890bd e58d8ae6 9c88efbc 8928e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae68993 e6adbb22 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 34332c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 38323439 37373937 31222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22383234 39373739 37317c34 34435135 5a537635 72756835 4c366734 34435235 62717435 36654c37 37794936 4a433935 59324b35 70794937 37794a22 2c227222 3a22677c 31323634 35333835 337c3131 33363634 317c3135 31333431 32333439 7c<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U552f\134U6ee1\134U4fa0\134U3011\134U5ead\134U79cb\134Uff08\134U843d\134U534a\134U6708\134Uff09(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U6253\134U6b7b"; badge = 18243; category = reply; }; asu = 824977971; qr = "824977971|44CQ5ZSv5ruh5L6g44CR5bqt56eL77yI6JC95Y2K5pyI77yJ"; r = "g|126453853|1136641|1513412349|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351368020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> 35 3733227d> (length 392) onInterface: WWAN. Connected<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <0da92d30>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412351568607504; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e6a2a6 e8889e2f e58d8ee4 b9be2de5 87a4e4ba 8ce596b5 e587bae9 9d92e79b 92616e64 e58d96e5 94b128e6 b290e5b8 aee4b8bb e7b289e4 b89de4ba 92e58aa8 e7bea42e 2032293a e8a681e6 98afe698 8ee7898c e58aa0e5 808de4b8 80e58fa5 e5b0b1e5 a5bde587 a0e799be e5888622 2c226261 64676522 3a313832 34342c22 63617465 676f7279 223a2272 65706c79 227d2c22 61636d65 223a2222 2c226173 75223a22 32303233 36383330 38222c22 74223a22 31222c22 7172223a 22323032 33363833 30387c35 714b6d36 4969654c 2b574e6a 75533576 69336c68 36546b75 6f7a6c6c 72586c68 3772706e 5a4c6e6d 354a6862 6d<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U68a6\134U821e/\134U534e\134U4e7e-\134U51e4\134U4e8c\134U55b5\134U51fa\134U9752\134U76d2and\134U5356\134U5531(\134U6c90\134U5e2e\134U4e3b\134U7c89\134U4e1d\134U4e92\134U52a8\134U7fa4. 2):\134U8981\134U662f\134U660e\134U724c\134U52a0\134U500d\134U4e00\134U53e5\134U5c31\134U597d\134U51e0\134U767e\134U5206"; badge = 18244; category = reply; }; asu = 202368308; qr = "202368308|5qKm6IieL+WNjuS5vi3lh6TkuozllrXlh7rpnZLnm5JhbmTljZbllLE="; r = "g|193560538|3187900|1513412350|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351394020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35a00 + 116 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 124 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185157100 _pthread_wqthread + 1096 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000185156cac start_<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e34744 + 268 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35bc8 + 184 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 1<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e34744 + 268 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e35bc8 + 184 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f4e9a0 + 16 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5b604 + 448 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f67c1c + 204 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f508a0 + 804 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5c964 + 560 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f522cc + 884 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5ea50 + 540 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000184f5e7d0 + 1<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> 33 34363430 3430327c 222c2272 223a2267 7c353233 363630<\M-b\M^@\M-&> APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <9309cc35>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412358493024362; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22636f6e 74656e74 2d617661 696c6162 6c65223a 317d2c22 61636d65 223a2270 7573685f 6765744d 73677c22 7d>; APSProtocolToken = ; APSProtocolTopicHash = <9cb8738c 8d1e4f94 b4fd816a 20473bb9 5dc6f4b7>; } { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } acme = "push_getMsg|"; aps = { "content-available" = 1; }; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412358499273353; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38080 e38080e3 8080e380 80e38080 e38080e3 8080e380 8028e88b b9e69e9c e9998de7 baa7e592 8ce5ae89 e58d93e5 8d87e7ba a7e7bea4 293ae4b8 8de585b3 e997ade9 809ae981 93e6808e e4b988e8 aea9e4bd a0e4b9b0 e696b0e8 8bb9e69e 9ce591a2 222c2262 61646765 223a3138 3234352c 22636174 65676f72 79223a22 7265706c 79227d2c 2261636d 65223a22 222c2261 7375223a 22343334 36343034 3032222c 2274223a 2231222c 22717222 3a223433 34363430 3430327c 222c2272 223a2267 7c353233 36363032 387c3635 31353034 7c313531 33343132 3335377c 34343837 34393537 33227d>; APSProtocolToken<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000\134U3000(\134U82f9\134U679c\134U964d\134U7ea7\134U548c\134U5b89\134U5353\134U5347\134U7ea7\134U7fa4):\134U4e0d\134U5173\134U95ed\134U901a\134U9053\134U600e\134U4e48\134U8ba9\134U4f60\134U4e70\134U65b0\134U82f9\134U679c\134U5462"; badge = 18245; category = reply; }; asu = 434640402; qr = "434640402|"; r = "g|52366028|651504|1513412357|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c697374313513a0010000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351351020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> instantQuality = 1; }, opt: (null) instantQuality = 1; }, opt: (null) { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } ) { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = <78be1738>; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412365538975350; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22523633 30305632 2f4a3139 30302f6e 65776966 695f332f 594b2d4c 312f4b32 28546f6d 61746f20 50686f65 6e697820 e4b88de6 adbbe9b8 9f293ae5 9084e7a7 8de68ea8 e5b9bfe5 8685e7bd aee58db8 e8bdbde4 b88de4ba 86222c22 62616467 65223a31 38323436 2c226361 7465676f 7279223a 22726570 6c79227d 2c226163 6d65223a 22222c22 61737522 3a223435 32323436 32353122 2c227422 3a223122 2c227172 223a2234 35323234 36323531 7c556a59 7a4d4442 574d6939 4b4d546b 774d4339 755a5864 705a6d6c 664d7939 5a537931 4d4d5339 4c4d673d 3d222c22 72223a22 677c3534 37393838 3630367c 37393137 32<\M-b\M^@\M-&> { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } acme = ""; aps = { alert = "R6300V2/J1900/newifi_3/YK-L1/K2(Tomato Phoenix \134U4e0d\134U6b7b\134U9e1f):\134U5404\134U79cd\134U63a8\134U5e7f\134U5185\134U7f6e\134U5378\134U8f7d\134U4e0d\134U4e86"; badge = 18246; category = reply; }; asu = 452246251; qr = "452246251|UjYzMDBWMi9KMTkwMC9uZXdpZmlfMy9ZSy1MMS9LMg=="; r = "g|547988606|791729|1513412364|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351371020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> { applicationContext = entities = { SBLayoutPrimaryRole = ; }; } ) ected on 1 interfaces. APSProtocolBaseToken = <560ad67c 2a569706 f2b89739 d04bd38d ffc3be82 ce1492c2 d1a778bd 91ef04d9>; APSProtocolCommand = 10; APSProtocolMessageID = ; APSProtocolMessagePriority = 10; APSProtocolMessageTimestamp = 1513412369740435183; APSProtocolPayload = <7b226170 73223a7b 22616c65 7274223a 22e38090 e594afe6 bba1e4be a0e38091 e5baade7 a78befbc 88e890bd e58d8ae6 9c88efbc 8928e589 91e7bd91 33e4b890 e5b8ae50 5650e4ba a4e6b581 e7bea429 3ae88396 e6af92e8 909de79a 84e598b4 e59487e5 8fafe4bb a5e7bb99 e68891e4 b988222c 22626164 6765223a 31383234 372c2263 61746567 6f727922 3a227265 706c7922 7d2c2261 636d6522 3a22222c 22617375 223a2238 32343937 37393731 222c2274 223a2231 222c2271 72223a22 38323439 37373937 317c3434 4351355a 53763572 7568354c 36673434 43523562 71743536 654c3737 7949364a 43393559 324b3570 79493737 794a222c 2272223a 22677c31 32<\M-b\M^@\M-&> acme = ""; aps = { alert = "\134U3010\134U552f\134U6ee1\134U4fa0\134U3011\134U5ead\134U79cb\134Uff08\134U843d\134U534a\134U6708\134Uff09(\134U5251\134U7f513\134U4e10\134U5e2ePVP\134U4ea4\134U6d41\134U7fa4):\134U80d6\134U6bd2\134U841d\134U7684\134U5634\134U5507\134U53ef\134U4ee5\134U7ed9\134U6211\134U4e48"; badge = 18247; category = reply; }; asu = 824977971; qr = "824977971|44CQ5ZSv5ruh5L6g44CR5bqt56eL77yI6JC95Y2K5pyI77yJ"; r = "g|126453853|1136642|1513412368|448749573"; t = 1; }' onInterface: WWAN for device token: NO with priority 10 "message" => { count = 1, transaction: 0, voucher = 0x0, contents = "ECF19A18-7AA6-4141-B4DC-A2E5123B2B5C" => : { length = 16384 bytes, contents = 0x62706c69737431351383020000000000801200000000d97f... } } "message-type" => : 30 }> ) Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33aac + 292 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&> Callstack ( 0 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e360cc + 116 1 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e33ac8 + 320 2 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e1fbd4 + 188 3 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e253a4 + 80 4 PersistentConnection 0x0000000188e21d48 + 88 5 Foundation 0x0000000186b73c0c __NSFireDelayedPerform + 408 6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045aa4 + 28 7 CoreFoundation 0x00000001860457a8 + 856 8 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186045068 + 244 9 CoreFoundation 0x0000000186042c8c + 1484 10 CoreFoundation 0x0000000185f72da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 11 Foundation 0x0000000186<\M-b\M^@\M-&>
arx8x commented 6 years ago

It doesn't have iPhone 6s+ offsets yet

Gray0x0 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reply.