arx8x / v0rtexNonce

set generator for iOS 10.3 with v0rtex exploit by siguza
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Issues with iPhone 7 plus on 10.3.2 ? #22

Closed eXqusic closed 6 years ago

eXqusic commented 6 years ago

I have tried atleast 400 times in the ast day and cant seem to get it to work, it just constantly says it failed.. Anything im doing wrong?

arx8x commented 6 years ago

@uarx @maxvibration I'll add this to the readme as well. Before you make a post. Were your devices connected to your mac and xcode when you rebooted? @uarx close the other issue.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

No, it will work without Xcode!

maxvibration commented 6 years ago

@arx8x No, i've done it without Xcode, just by opening the installed V0rtexnonce on the phone and with the windows futurerestore fork.

arx8x commented 6 years ago

@uarx @maxvibration It will work without xcode but that wasn't my question. Was your device connected to Xcode when it didn't work? Was your device connected to Xcode when you rebooted?

maxvibration commented 6 years ago

@arx8x No, it was connected to my Windows Notebook in both situations (not working and working) - so no Xcode!

arx8x commented 6 years ago

Was it connected to xcode when the exploit first worked? When it first worked, was it after a reboot after you disconnected from xcode?

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

You only need Xcode to build it, it is no longer needed after. No, it was not connected!

arx8x commented 6 years ago


Try to answer my question. I'm trying to identify the problem. I wanna know if xcode was connected when the app ran for the first time

maxvibration commented 6 years ago

So you mean for the first time ever? Or the first time it successfully set the Nonce so i saw it after the reboot?

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

It automatically starts anyway after building it, so it was connected by then and it worked, but I was too quick every time, so it got reset back. Once after setting, I got a phone call for about 15 mins and after it I close the app(it didn’t panic this time), then powered-off the device, powered-on, runned the app and it was set and thats how I learned this. Thank God I received that phone call! 😂

arx8x commented 6 years ago

@maxvibration The first time you opened the app and the first time you set the nonce

arx8x commented 6 years ago

@uarx Were you disconnected from you mac/xcode during that 15 minutes?

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

Yes, I was!

maxvibration commented 6 years ago

@arx8x The first time it was connected, as uarx said, it runs automatically after building. During the successfull setting of the nonce it was not started and not connected with xcode! I tried it very often before in different constellations but the trick now really was the waiting time after setting the nonce.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

Glad you got it to work, @maxvibration. Remember to jailbreak your device as it disables future updates.

arx8x commented 6 years ago

@maxvibration Thanks. So, it wasn't connected when you successfully set a generator and futurerestore could match it. What about the attempt where you set a generator successfully and it wasn't there when you tried to match it with the one from SHSH2 using futurerestore? Was the device connected to xcode when you launched v0rtexNonce for that attempt?

maxvibration commented 6 years ago

@arx8x I tried like all conditions - connected to mac an started trough xcode - connected and started manually - connected to windows with and without open itunes - and not connected ... the problem was never setting the nonce - it always reported the right current nonce after setting it, with every method. But after the restart it was always gone! But i always restarted or tried futurerestore like directly or shortly after setting the nonce.

Luken36 commented 6 years ago

also for me if i restart device the generator set come back unavaiable, so the generator is reset

maxvibration commented 6 years ago

@Luken36 don't be so lazy - please read uarx comments - we already got a workaround.

arx8x commented 6 years ago

@maxvibration I was suspecting lldb. I can't be sure. I'll have to try myself. v0rtexNonce does set the nonce in nvram(it tries to read the value from nvram after setting it and displays it) but it gets reset once you reboot for some reason. Either way, go ahead and make the post.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

No, I don’t think that is the issue, @arx8x. Just it takes a while to set it proper.

Luken36 commented 6 years ago

@maxvibration sorry but i don't found this solution

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago


spikke122 commented 6 years ago

@arx8x @uar-github @maxvibration I am having trouble replicating this, as every 10th time i am actually able to get vortexnonce to open without crashing and set the nonce, on the reboot i have not successfully been able to see the same nonce be set. is this a matter of getting lucky both times (the initial setting of the nonce/opening the app and then the second time opening the app after reboot?)

I've read several tutorials on reddit and here but cannot seem to find concrete steps. Any help you all provide would be appreciated.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

@spikke122, did you make it?

jooyoung-seo commented 6 years ago


"Got it to work and finally upgraded to 11.1.2. After setting the nonce, wait about 10-15 min and then, quit the app (If it panics and restarts automatically, then it didn’t work, you’ll have to wait 10-15 min. It will not work if you quickly restart after setting either). Run v0rtexNonce again and verify it’s the same nonce you want to use, then start the upgrade process!"

Hey, trying to upgrade my iPhone 7+ too, when you say Run v0rtexNonce again, is that after a reboot of the phone, or not? When I wait 10-15 minutes like you have suggested and quit the application, there is no panic, and I am able to reopen v0rtexNonce and see that the Nonce has not been reset. After this, if I were to reboot my phone, the exploit would fail when opened, and I assume that the Nonce has been reset.

So when you say "start the upgrade process", do you exec the futurerestore command in normal mode, or start in recovery mode?

Thank you so much in advance, trying to figure this out since two days ago.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

Try first setting the same nonce you have currently and then the new one, press home button, wait for 10 min, close the app (if it panics, then it didn’t work) and then power off the device, not power+volume down.

After restart, run v0rtexNonce again and verify the nonce you want to use. Put the phone in recovery mode and then start the upgrade process. Let me know how it goes! :)

jooyoung-seo commented 6 years ago

After the restart (after confirming no panic), when I run v0rtexNonce, it either crashes my phone or tells me the exploit has failed.

jooyoung-seo commented 6 years ago

I've retried, when I power off the device, it automatically turns it self back on. Any clue why? @uar-github

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 6 years ago

This is normal. It will take a couple of tries but keep trying.

If this happens try power button+volume down.

azh97 commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry for bumping this old post, but I can't seem to find the solution. Tried more than 50 times to set nonce but v0rtexnonce still not working.. I got either white screen, sudden reboot or exploit failed error.. The link for modified one (by null0r) seems dead.. I don't know what to do .. Can someone guide me? I have Iphone 7+ ios 10.3.2, already jailbroke using meridian. Thanks in advance..

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 5 years ago

I don't know if the jailbreak have some kind of effect on the kernel the reason the exploit won't work.

This was done multiple times on non-jailbroken iPhones. Try to remove the jailbreak and then use v0rtexNonce with my instructions back here. Just read the whole thread, you will know what we have been through! :)

azh97 commented 5 years ago

Remove the jailbreak? Do you mean by unjailbroken my iphone? I'm afraid there's no way to do that on meridian, if I'm not mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong. Btw I really appreciate your reply 🙇🏻.. Just one thing, do you still have the null0r modified bersion? Might as well try that first if you still had it.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 5 years ago

Can you set the nonce via terminal?

azh97 commented 5 years ago

I tried SSHing but got nvram command not found error. Try su command instead, still the same error.

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 5 years ago

There is tweak that restore the iPhone like osrestorex, but I don't know if it will work with an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus. These devices are really hard to do anything with as the chances of bricking are higher.. (Glad I swapped it with a Pixel 2 XL 😂)

If you can't set the nonce via terminal or can't remove the jailbreak safely, then I recommend just staying on 10.3.X.

azh97 commented 5 years ago

Hmm, too bad then. There is a way using Cydia Eraser + a bit tweak, but that method is unofficial, it's way too risky for me. Thanks for answering, might as well stay then. Have a nice day. 🙇🏻

usmanabdurrazzaq commented 5 years ago

You too