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Red latex commands in rendered text 1508.07544 #1453

Open catleeball opened 1 year ago

catleeball commented 1 year ago


In the paper 1508.07544 at the link above, a bunch of latex slash commands are rendered in the text body in red. It seems to mostly be broken instances of \citename and \namecite, but also a red \dochead floats at the top of the introduction ominously.

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 4 41 48 PM

Screenshot 2:

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 4 42 00 PM

Rai-Ayush commented 1 year ago

@catleeball I understand the issue and am interested in working on it. can you please assign the issue to me?

catleeball commented 1 year ago

@Rai-Ayush That's great, thank you! I don't have permission to update assignees on bugs in this repo though unfortunately.