arxyzan / data2vec-pytorch

PyTorch implementation of "data2vec: A General Framework for Self-supervised Learning in Speech, Vision and Language" from Meta AI
MIT License
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Any plan for supporting distributed training? #10

Closed ruizewang closed 2 years ago

ruizewang commented 2 years ago

Hi arxyzan~ Thanks for your great contribution! I wonder to known is there any plan for supporting distributed training, as pre-training will be too slow with a single GPU?

arxyzan commented 2 years ago

Hi Ray I strongly recommend using the official repo if you want stable results for pretraining. But in case you want to use other encoder backends (which might be a little complicated to do in fairseq) just let me know and I will put it in my to-do list.

ruizewang commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your quick response. Your implementation is neat and easy-to-follow, yet the official one provided by fairseq is somehow complicated. Anyway, thanks for your contribution again.

arxyzan commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear this as it's been my primary goal. I'm definitely gonna provide the code for distributed training and mixed precision. Stay tuned!