Adds a solution for the LeetCode Daily Challenge for October 12th, 2024, implemented in Python.
The solution uses a two-pointer technique to manage available chairs for persons based on their time intervals.
📝 Issue Reference:
Fixes issue: #12
🔍 Checklist:
Please ensure the following before submitting your PR:
[x] I have placed my solution in the correct folder (solutions/dayXX/).
[x] My code follows clean coding practices and is efficient.
[x] I have added comments in my code to explain the approach.
[x] I have updated the for the specific day with a brief explanation of my solution.
[x] I have tested the solution on LeetCode and it works correctly.
🔧 Solution Details:
Language Used: Python
Time Complexity: O(n log n)
Space Complexity: O(n)
🌟 Additional Notes (if any):
Alternative approach
Sort the intervals by their start times to analyze when overlaps happen.
Track how many intervals overlap at any point:
Use the idea of "event points": Mark when each interval starts and ends.
Increase the count when an interval starts and decrease it when it ends.
Determine the maximum overlap at any point: The maximum number of overlapping intervals at the same time tells you the minimum number of groups needed.
🚀 What does this PR do?
📝 Issue Reference:
Fixes issue: #12
🔍 Checklist:
Please ensure the following before submitting your PR:
for the specific day with a brief explanation of my solution.🔧 Solution Details:
🌟 Additional Notes (if any):
Alternative approach