aryamanarora / carmls-hi

Hindi SNACS (Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses; Schneider et al., 2018) annotation scheme and guidelines.
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बिना #23

Open aryamanarora opened 3 years ago

aryamanarora commented 3 years ago

Some of the uses of बिना from the Hindi Dependency Treebank (HDTB).

w/ NOUN and postpositions का/वाला forming an nmod

nmod uses seem to be PartPortion, but then it's confusing what to do with का/वाला following the nominal. Note that one can do without बिना: चीनी (और दूध) की चाय seems to be PartPortion as it is listing incomplete ingredients. So is बिना even worth annotating here?

बिना नाम और पते वाली चिट्ठी “a letter without name and address” बिना चीनी की चाय “tea without sugar” पुलिस ने इस दौरान बिना नंबर के चार वाहनों को भी पकड़ा । “four vehicles without a number”

w/ NOUN forming an obl


बिना लाग लपेट “without any delay” बिना वजह नुक़्ताचीनी करना “nitpicking without any reason” बिना पासपोर्ट पाकिस्तान जाना “going to Pakistan without a passport”

w/ NOUN and postposition के forming an obl

Manner? This is such a strange construction though, I never see the genitive marking an adjunct to a verb like that. So what's the genitive to be labelled? Maybe here, बिना_ _के is a real circumposition, labelled as an MWE, as Manner.

बिना घटना के गुज़ारना “continue without any incident” बिना कागज के अदालत में काम हो सकेगा “work can be done at the court without paperwork” बिना मेहनत के पास करना “pass without any hard work” बिना पासपोर्ट के पाकिस्तान जाना “going to Pakistan without a passport” बिना पानी के भी बीस साल जीवित रहना “staying alive for twenty years without water” बिना नोटिस के पैसा लेना “taking money without a notice”

w/ VERB forming advcl


बिना समय गँवायें “without wasting any time” बिना काम किए “without having done work” बिना झुकाव दिखाए “without yielding”