aryamanarora / carmls-hi

Hindi SNACS (Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses; Schneider et al., 2018) annotation scheme and guidelines.
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Resolve these #24

Closed aryamanarora closed 1 year ago

aryamanarora commented 3 years ago
aryamanarora commented 2 years ago
3 160
['की', 'का', '??', '??', '', 'का', 'Characteristic', 'Identity', '', '', 'की', '??', 'Topic', '', '**revisit**']
Supersense "??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

3 218
['उसकी', 'का', '??', '??', '', 'का', 'Theme', 'Theme', '', '', 'की', 'Gestalt', 'Gestalt', '', 'his mysterious presence - a property?']
Supersense "??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

3 388
['का', 'का', '??', '??', '', 'का', 'Gestalt', 'Gestalt', '', '', 'का', '??', 'Identity', '', 'work of the house - Identity?\n**github** *8revisit**']
Supersense "??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

5 36
['के', 'के', 'Time/QuantityItem', 'Time/Whole', '', 'का', 'QuantityItem', 'Whole', '', '', 'के', 'Time', 'Time', '', "on the third day of meeting the prince'\nassumes ordinal dates (third day) are absolute times\n**revisit** - not time as not absolute?"]
Supersense "Time/QuantityItem" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

5 439
['जैसे', 'जैसे', 'ComparisonRef/PartPortion', 'ComparisonRef/PartPortion', '', 'जैसे', 'PartPortion', 'PartPortion', '', '', 'जैसे', 'ComparisonRef', 'ComparisonRef', '', '']
Supersense "ComparisonRef/PartPortion" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

5 512
['की', 'का', 'Topic', 'Topic/Identity', '', 'का', 'Topic', 'Identity', '', '', 'का', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', 'function as topic by earlier examples']
Supersense "Topic/Identity" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

5 566
['वाला', 'वाला', '??', '??', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'वाला', '??', '??', '', '']
Supersense "??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

5 614
['से', 'से', 'Instrument/Source', 'Instrument/Source', '', 'से', 'Source', 'Source', '', '', 'से', 'Instrument', 'Instrument', '', '']
Supersense "Instrument/Source" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

6 41
['के', 'के', 'Gestalt/QuantityItem', 'Gestalt/Whole', '', 'का', 'QuantityItem', 'Whole', '', '', 'के', 'Gestalt', 'Gestalt', '', 'does not exactly answer how much / many of \nto be QuantityItem \n\n**revisit**\ncf en guidelines 334.d (the start time of the party) (third day of our acquaintance)']
Supersense "Gestalt/QuantityItem" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

6 164
['के', 'के बीच', 'Whole/Locus', 'Whole', '1:1', 'के बीच', 'Locus', 'Whole', '1:1', 'two objects? *Q*', 'के बीच', 'Whole', 'Whole', '1:1', 'No scene here - just the two NP set members as in\nen guidelines . \n\nThe scene is introduced by the next postposition\n**revisit**']
Supersense "Whole/Locus" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

7 200
['के', 'के प्रति', '??/Source', 'Direction', '1:1', 'के प्रति', 'Source', 'Direction', '1:1', '*Q* no clue', 'के प्रति', 'Locus', 'Locus', '1:1', "c'est de la pure méchanceté de la part des fleurs\nBoldfaced french analogous to this expression\nit is (a symbol of) pure wickedness on the part of the flowers\n\nfrom shabdsagar, synonyms: \n१. सामने । मुकाबिले में । २. ओर । तरफ । लक्ष्य किए हुए । जैसे, किसी के प्रति श्रद्धा रखना\nओर is the closest match to la part / part of i can think of, \nhindi transliteration may often be 'on his/her side' (ive heard this commonly enough)\n**revisit**"]
Supersense "??/Source" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

7 736
['से', 'से', 'Causer/Stimulus', 'Causer', '', 'से', 'Stimulus', 'Causer', '', '', 'से', 'Causer', 'Causer', '', 'the thing being governed is the whole phrase: सितारों को निहारने मात्रा, \nit may not be a stimulus\n**revisit**']
Supersense "Causer/Stimulus" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

8 64
['का', 'का', 'SocialRel/Experiencer', 'Gestalt', '', 'का', 'Experiencer', 'Gestalt', '', '', 'का', 'SocialRel', 'Gestalt', '', 'There may be a social relation! \nas there is a specific beloved flower']
Supersense "SocialRel/Experiencer" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

9 188
['को', 'को', 'Goal??', 'Theme/Goal', '', 'को', 'Goal', 'Goal', '', '', 'को', 'Goal??', 'Theme', '', "et se prépara à la mettre à l'abri sous son globe\nla is the 'flower' here and it takes a thematic role from mettre or 'to place'\nThere may be no movement / goal like element here of the flower\n\n* revisit* - converting argument to adjunct swaps governors, and scene role?"]
Supersense "Goal??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

9 192
['उसने', 'ने', 'Agent/Originator', 'Agent', '', 'ने', 'Originator', 'Agent', '', '', 'ने', 'Agent', 'Agent', '', 'he may not have originated the watering\n**revisit**']
Supersense "Agent/Originator" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

10 796
['से', 'से', 'Theme/Topic', 'Ancillary', '', 'से', 'Topic', 'Ancillary', '', '', 'से', 'Theme', 'Ancillary', '', 'governor is अपेक्षा रखनी चाहिए']
Supersense "Theme/Topic" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

13 21
['की', 'की', 'Topic ', 'Topic', '', 'की', 'Topic ', 'Topic', '', '', 'का', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', '']
Supersense "Topic " should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

13 429
['तेरा', 'का', 'Experiencer/??', 'Gestalt', '', 'का', '??', 'Gestalt', '', "dont think matlab here means 'meaning' **revisit**", 'का', 'Experiencer', 'Gestalt', '', '']
Supersense "Experiencer/??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

14 461
['के', 'के प्रति', '??/Manner/Beneficiary', 'Direction', '1:1', '', '', '', '', '', 'के प्रति', 'Manner', 'Direction', '1:1', '']
Supersense "??/Manner/Beneficiary" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

14 649
['अपनी', 'की', '??', '??', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'की', '??', '??', '', '']
Supersense "??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

14 650
['में', 'में', 'Locus/Topic', 'Locus/Topic', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'में', 'Locus', 'Locus', '', '']
Supersense "Locus/Topic" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

15 290
['की', 'की', 'Theme/Stimulus', 'Theme', '', 'का', 'Stimulus', 'Gestalt', '', '', 'की', 'Theme', 'Theme', '', '**lookup old example**']
Supersense "Theme/Stimulus" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

17 16
['वालों', 'वाला', '??', '??', '', 'वाला', 'NONSNACS', 'NONSNACS', '', '', 'वाला', '??', '??', '', '']
Supersense "??" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

19 200
['अपनी', 'की', 'Originator/Manner', 'Gestalt', '', 'का', 'Manner', 'Gestalt', '', '', 'की', 'Originator', 'Gestalt', '', '**revisit**']
Supersense "Originator/Manner" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 32
['उसे', 'को', 'Experiencer ', 'Recipient', '', 'को', 'Experiencer', 'Recipient', '', '', 'को', 'Experiencer ', 'Recipient', '', '']
Supersense "Experiencer " should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 369
['की', 'की', 'Topic', 'Topic/Identity', '', 'का', 'Topic', 'Identity', '', '', 'की', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', '**revisit**']
Supersense "Topic/Identity" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 701
['के', 'के पास', 'Possessor/Gestalt', 'Locus/Gestalt', '1:1', 'के पास', 'Gestalt', 'Gestalt', '1:1', '*Q*', 'के पास', 'Possessor', 'Locus', '1:1', '**revisit** (time,life)']
Supersense "Possessor/Gestalt" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 780
['से', 'से', 'Instrument/Locus', 'Instrument/Source', '', 'से', 'Instrument', 'Instrument', '', '*Q* Locus?', 'से', '', '', '', '']
Supersense "Instrument/Locus" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 1030
['इसके', 'के लिए', 'Beneficiary/`i', 'Beneficiary/`i', '1:1', 'के लिए', '`i', '`i', '1:1', '*Q*', 'के लिए', 'Beneficiary', 'Beneficiary', '', '**revisit**']
Supersense "Beneficiary/`i" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 1338
['के', 'के', 'Identity/Characteristic/Topic', 'Identity/Characteristic/Topic', '', 'का', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', '', 'के', 'Identity', 'Identity', '', 'identifies/ categorises the voice , \nor gives a Topic to the voice?\n**revisit**']
Supersense "Identity/Characteristic/Topic" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

21 1382
['मेरा', 'का', 'Possessor/Gestalt', 'Possessor/Gestalt', '', 'का', 'Gestalt', 'Gestalt', '', '*Q* ??? my mystery/secret', 'का', 'Possessor', 'Possessor', '', "'my simple secret' **revisit**"]
Supersense "Possessor/Gestalt" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

22 210
['से', 'से', 'Instrument/Goal', 'Instrument/Ancillary', '', 'से', 'Goal', 'Ancillary', '', '*Q* force dynamics', 'से', 'Instrument', 'Instrument', '', '']
Supersense "Instrument/Goal" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

24 105
['में', 'में', 'Goal ', 'Locus', '', 'में', 'Goal', 'Locus', '', '', 'में', 'Goal ', 'Locus', '', '']
Supersense "Goal " should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

24 291
['का', 'का', 'Ensemble/Topic', 'Gestalt/Topic', '', 'का', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', "*Q* I don't like this", 'का', 'Ensemble', 'Gestalt', '', 'answer of my question? **revisit**']
Supersense "Ensemble/Topic" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

24 602
['इससे', 'से', 'Explanation ', 'Source', '', 'से', 'Causer', 'Source', '', '', 'से', 'Explanation/Topic', 'Source', '', 'event (sehmat hain)\nbut does Experiencer ~ Topic pair apply?\nOr is Topic label restricted to core participants']
Supersense "Explanation " should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

25 262
['में', 'में', 'Goal ', 'Locus', '', 'में', 'Goal', 'Locus', '', '', 'में', 'Goal ', 'Locus', '', '']
Supersense "Goal " should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

25 404
['जिसकी', 'की', 'Theme/Stimulus', 'Theme', '', 'का', 'Stimulus', 'Theme', '', '', 'की', 'Theme', 'Theme', '', '']
Supersense "Theme/Stimulus" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

25 405
['उन्हें', 'को', 'Agent/Experiencer', 'Recipient', '', 'को', 'Experiencer', 'Recipient', '', '', 'को', 'Agent', 'Recipient', '', '**also see 18, above**']
Supersense "Agent/Experiencer" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

25 428
['जिसकी', 'का', 'Theme/Stimulus', 'Theme', '', 'का', 'Stimulus', 'Theme', '', '', 'का', 'Theme', 'Theme', '', '**revisit xref 18 above**']
Supersense "Theme/Stimulus" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

25 429
['उन्हें', 'को', 'Agent/Experiencer', 'Recipient', '', 'को', 'Experiencer', 'Recipient', '', '', 'को', 'Agent', 'Recipient', '', '']
Supersense "Agent/Experiencer" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

26 141
['मेरे', 'के', 'Agent/Them', 'Gestalt/Theme', '', 'का', 'Theme', 'Theme', '', '', 'के', 'Agent', 'Gestalt', '', '?? - \nnot the same translation **revist**']
Supersense "Agent/Them" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

26 295
['को', 'को', 'Theme/`i', 'Theme/`i', '', 'को', '`i', '`i', '', '', 'को', 'Theme', 'Theme', '', '? **revisit**']
Supersense "Theme/`i" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.

26 1681
['उसके', 'के प्रति', 'Direction/Beneficiary', 'Direction', '1:1', 'के प्रति', 'Beneficiary', 'Direction', '1:1', '', 'के प्रति', 'Direction', 'Direction', '1:1', 'can Direction ever be couple with another scene? **revisit**']
Supersense "Direction/Beneficiary" should be part of the SNACS hierarchy.