aryamanarora / carmls-hi

Hindi SNACS (Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses; Schneider et al., 2018) annotation scheme and guidelines.
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X से पूछना, माँगना [Recipient↝Source] #6

Closed aryamanarora closed 4 years ago

aryamanarora commented 4 years ago

X ABL/INS/COM? ask "to ask X"


  1. Recipient↝Ancillary: compare X से कहना, X से बोलना
  2. Originator↝Source: compare X से लेना, as in a response is being elicited from X
aryamanarora commented 4 years ago

Dr. Schneider (6/15/20):

cf. “I asked a question OF him”

aryamanarora commented 4 years ago

Ultimately I think this is Recipient↝Ancillary because this lexically fits into the first class of information-exchange type verbs. The line between the two options I gave is blurrier than expected because of the elicitation of a response that is inherent. However, this supports Ancillary in a way because it means there is exchange rather than one-way transfer of information.

aryamanarora commented 4 years ago

Recipient↝Source because the case is ablative and the object is the recipient of information, as evidenced by other Indo-Aryan languages studied by Khan (2009) in #2.