aryarm / as_analysis

A complete Snakemake pipeline for detecting allele specific expression in RNA-seq
MIT License
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ATAC-seq support #61

Open aryarm opened 3 years ago

aryarm commented 3 years ago

The main challenge with using this pipeline for ATAC-seq data is the use of STAR for mapping within the WASP subworkflow. We could create two new mapping rules within the WASP subworkflow that use bowtie2 (or BWA), instead. And a new config option could be created to switch between the different aligners that we offer.

As for the variant calling pipeline, we could update it to use VarCA and have it use different options when executing BWA. The only problem with using VarCA at the moment is that it doesn't output GQ tags, but issue #60 would resolve that.

aryarm commented 3 years ago

see #69 for related