as-ideas / ForwardTacotron

⏩ Generating speech in a single forward pass without any attention!
MIT License
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For anyone trying to preprocess on Windows and running into multiprocessor issues #19

Open jmasterx opened 4 years ago

jmasterx commented 4 years ago

Hi I am running this on Windows, which does not have fork(); As a result we are supposed to add the if __name__ == '__main__':guards but that did not work for me. So I hacked together a solution that just preprocesses on a single core.

import glob
from random import Random

from utils.display import *
from utils.dsp import *
from utils import hparams as hp
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from utils.paths import Paths
import pickle
import argparse

from utils.text import clean_text
from import ljspeech
from utils.files import get_files, pickle_binary
from pathlib import Path

# Helper functions for argument types
def valid_n_workers(num):
    n = int(num)
    if n < 1:
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%r must be an integer greater than 0' % num)
    return n

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Preprocessing for WaveRNN and Tacotron')
parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', help='directly point to dataset path (overrides hparams.wav_path')
parser.add_argument('--extension', '-e', metavar='EXT', default='.wav', help='file extension to search for in dataset folder')
parser.add_argument('--num_workers', '-w', metavar='N', type=valid_n_workers, default=cpu_count()-1, help='The number of worker threads to use for preprocessing')
parser.add_argument('--hp_file', metavar='FILE', default='', help='The file to use for the hyperparameters')
args = parser.parse_args()

hp.configure(args.hp_file)  # Load hparams from file
if args.path is None:
    args.path = hp.wav_path

extension = args.extension
path = args.path

def convert_file(path: Path):
    y = load_wav(path)
    peak = np.abs(y).max()
    if hp.peak_norm or peak > 1.0:
        y /= peak
    mel = melspectrogram(y)
    if hp.voc_mode == 'RAW':
        quant = encode_mu_law(y, mu=2**hp.bits) if hp.mu_law else float_2_label(y, bits=hp.bits)
    elif hp.voc_mode == 'MOL':
        quant = float_2_label(y, bits=16)

    return mel.astype(np.float32), quant.astype(np.int64)

def process_wav(path: Path):
    _path = path

def procwav():
    wav_id = _path.stem
    m, x = convert_file(_path)'{wav_id}.npy', m, allow_pickle=False)'{wav_id}.npy', x, allow_pickle=False)
    text = text_dict[wav_id]
    text = clean_text(text)
    return wav_id, m.shape[-1], text

if __name__ != '__main__': 
    except NameError:
        lll = 0

if __name__ == '__main__':        
    wav_files = get_files(path, extension)
    paths = Paths(hp.data_path, hp.voc_model_id, hp.tts_model_id)

    print(f'\n{len(wav_files)} {extension[1:]} files found in "{path}"\n')

    if len(wav_files) == 0:

        print('Please point wav_path in to your dataset,')
        print('or use the --path option.\n')

        text_dict = ljspeech(path)

        n_workers = max(1, args.num_workers)

            ('Sample Rate', hp.sample_rate),
            ('Bit Depth', hp.bits),
            ('Mu Law', hp.mu_law),
            ('Hop Length', hp.hop_length),
            ('CPU Usage', f'{n_workers}/{cpu_count()}'),
            ('Num Validation', hp.n_val)
        pool = Pool(processes=n_workers)
        dataset = []
        cleaned_texts = []
        wav_files = get_files(path, extension)

        for i, fn in enumerate(wav_files, 1):
            _path = fn
            item_id, length, cleaned_text = procwav()
            if item_id in text_dict:
                dataset += [(item_id, length)]
                cleaned_texts += [(item_id, cleaned_text)]
            bar = progbar(i, len(wav_files))
            message = f'{bar} {i}/{len(wav_files)} '

        random = Random(hp.seed)
        train_dataset = dataset[hp.n_val:]
        val_dataset = dataset[:hp.n_val]
        # sort val dataset longest to shortest
        val_dataset.sort(key=lambda d: -d[1])

        for id, text in cleaned_texts:
            text_dict[id] = text


        print('\n\nCompleted. Ready to run "python" or "python". \n')

Hopefully this can help anyone in the same situation. Maybe a flag could be added to to run in single core compatibility mode for Windows users. I don't care if preprocessing is not multithreaded, it's a very short process compared to training.