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Questions regarding the oiljs purposes configuration #299

Closed kuflievskiy closed 3 years ago

kuflievskiy commented 4 years ago

Hello! We’re investigating oils and it's options of customization. I have 2 questions which I don't have answers to.

1) Is there the possibility to set the mandatory/required mark on some of the purpose items in order to show that this option is obligatory and a user can't unmark/disable it? I didn't find any setting in the oil.js configuration docs.

2) The second question is about the complete "purposes" override option. Oil.js doc says that it's "Fully configurable"

If we want to set only 3 custom options in the "purposes" section instead of having the default settings we have after the initialization, should we use the "iabVendorListUrl" or "customVendorListUrl" options? Is it correct?

If I re-define all the settings using the "iabVendorListUrl", I could get what I actually want to see, but it looks like a workaround to me because not all the vendors are actually the "IAB vendors".

If I use "customVendorListUrl" to override the purposes, then I can't get rid of the error "Missing vendor list! Maybe vendor list retrieval has failed! Please contact web administrator!" and messages from 1 to 5 "Error: Missing text for purpose with id 5!"

I will really appreciate it if the community will help me to clarify those questions. Thank you in advance!

fabio-thoma commented 4 years ago


  1. oil.js onboard - its not. But you can trigger the toggle for the purpose via javascript and disable it for the user. We've done this here: JS:

    if (event && && eventDataContains('oil_shown')) {
    var technicalNecessaryCookiesCheckbox = document.getElementById(
    if (
      technicalNecessaryCookiesCheckbox === undefined ||
      technicalNecessaryCookiesCheckbox === null
    ) {
    // Rename class for first slider button, so it won't bew affected by the activate/ deactivate all button
    technicalNecessaryCookiesCheckbox.className = 'as-oil-cpc_slider-disabled';
    // Add class for usage with custom CSS (see: Resources/Public/Stylesheets/oiljs_custom.css)
    // Activate the checkbox if it isn't
    if (!technicalNecessaryCookiesCheckbox.checked) {;
    // Disable checkbox for users
    technicalNecessaryCookiesCheckbox.disabled = true;
  2. You have to use iabVendorListUrl, there you link to your own vendorlist.json. Example for three purposes:

    "vendorListVersion": 1,
    "lastUpdated": "2020-01-09T16:00:33Z",
    "purposes": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "technically necessary cookies",
            "description": "technically necessary cookies description."
            "id": 2,
            "name": "statistics and marketing",
            "description": "statistics and marketing description."
            "id": 3,
            "name": "videostreaming",
            "description": "videostreaming description."
    "features": [],
    "vendors": []