asafdav / ng-csv

Simple directive that turns arrays and objects into downloadable CSV files
MIT License
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Recursive object / array not working #111

Open manu18 opened 8 years ago

manu18 commented 8 years ago

the json object : [{"id":"696931","name":"myname","status":[{"plan":"2015-08-21","env_name":"one name"},{"plan":"2015-08-21","env_name":"one other name"}]},{"id":"696932","name":"myname1","status":[{"plan":"2015-08-22","env_name":"one name"},{"plan":"2015-08-22","env_name":"one other name"}]}]

give the result : 696931;myname;[object Object],[object Object] 696932;myname1;[object Object],[object Object]

as you can see there is not recursive parsing

tigress298 commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue