asafdav / ng-csv

Simple directive that turns arrays and objects into downloadable CSV files
MIT License
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Breaking values into individual columns #125

Closed Ross-Rawlins closed 8 years ago

Ross-Rawlins commented 8 years ago

I am running the example code but I get all my value in one column divided by a comma. How do you separate them into different columns.

shaohaolin commented 8 years ago

@Duovili Could you provide a screen shot or an example to explain what you want to achieve?

Ross-Rawlins commented 8 years ago

I realised that the user needs to build it themselves Everything works great thanks for the code.

shaohaolin commented 8 years ago

Good to hear! You can close the issue now.

thierryskoda commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue, what do you mean by "the user needs to build it themselves" ? @Kratos-SA It works for me with my excel 2016, but with another computer and different version of excel, it puts all my data in on column divided by a comma.

Thank you for the help!