asafdav / ng-csv

Simple directive that turns arrays and objects into downloadable CSV files
MIT License
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Excel cells modification from ng-csv is there ? #137

Open SJ-SivaSubrahmaniam opened 8 years ago

SJ-SivaSubrahmaniam commented 8 years ago

Is there any options available to format the excel ? for ex : want to change the color of cells, styles of the text (Size,font etc)

potatopeelings commented 8 years ago

CSV is simple text. Unlike excel it doesn't support changing text color, styles, etc.

HariBabuThubati commented 8 years ago

Any Solution? and how to change the format of excel?

SJ-SivaSubrahmaniam commented 8 years ago

I can modify it from node js. This is the only solution I got Node js - xlsx builder