asafkorem / COSTouchVisualizer

Visualize touches, gestures and long presses on your iPhone or iPad
MIT License
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Ripple effect broken on iOS 13 + single-line bugfix #34

Open michaelpeternell opened 4 years ago

michaelpeternell commented 4 years ago


great library. I have been looking for a library that shows touches because I need to make some promotional videos of an app of mine, and I chose this one because I liked the ripple effect. No other touch visualization library that I checked had that!

But I noticed that the ripple effect no longer works in iOS 13.5.1 (I suspect it doesn't work since iOS 13, but I haven't checked. It works in iOS 12.4.1)

The fix is easy. Just change line 114 of COSTouchVisualizerWindow.m from

[rippleView setFrame:CGRectInset(rippleView.frame, 25, 25)];


[rippleView setFrame:CGRectInset(rippleView.frame, 24, 24)];

It seems that iOS 13 doesn't like to animate the frame property to a zero-sized rectangle.

Is this library still maintained? The master branch is outdated and crashes, and the FixBugsAndUpdateAPI branch has not yet been merged into master. I'm currently using the FixBugsAndUpdateAPI branch together with the single-line change mentioned above.

All the best, Michael