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Set Goal (Rupali): 30DaysOfCode in ReactJS #103

Open rupali-codes opened 1 year ago

rupali-codes commented 1 year ago

What is your goal? My Goal is to learn React.js with amazing projects

Do you have a target date for this? If yes, write below I'm committing to reach my goal till this date Nov 10, 2022

What will you achieve by completing this goal? Becoming a JavaScript MERN Stack developer

Additional context Learning ReactJs for 2 hours [Daily]

Kellsonphilips commented 1 year ago

Good to have you here Rupali, I will be looking forward to what you are building.

rupali-codes commented 1 year ago

Thanks Philips :)

AliReza1083 commented 1 year ago

I'm looking forward to see your portfolio which you used React in it... wish you all the best

Kellsonphilips commented 1 year ago

Yes, all of us are waiting.

rupali-codes commented 1 year ago

Hey, Thanks...I'll working on that :)

rupali-codes commented 1 year ago

Hi, I couldn't do it till that date for some reasons, but I'm still working on it, also I'm planing to finish b4 next year!

Kellsonphilips commented 1 year ago

Take your time @rupali-codes , you don't have to push yourself too hard but be consistent and work on your goal always. Goodluck.

rupali-codes commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Kellsonphilips