asalzburger / sms2021-tra-tra

Repository for SummerStudent 2021 project to learn a (conformal) TRAnsform for TRAcks
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Imporevement in metric runtime #30

Open AndrewSpano opened 2 years ago

AndrewSpano commented 2 years ago

Andreas was right, dictionaries are not for big data. I implemented (literally) everything using arrays. Now the results are incredible. For npileup = 200, the runtime of the efficiency rate dropped from 1-2 years to 1 minute. Amazing. Here are the results:

Screenshot from 2021-09-08 00-50-04

The Efficiency looks nice. The duplicate/fake rates are an issue. The purification algorithm takes a lot to compute, since basically it runs the rz Hough Transform for each bin. I may need to think of a smarter solution to overcome this problem. Maybe NNs are the way to go, so I will invest most of my time there.

asalzburger commented 2 years ago
