asapach / peerflix-server

Streaming torrent client for Node.js with web ui.
MIT License
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Solution for those who have trouble starting peerflix-server with linux #145

Closed leopedro95 closed 6 years ago

leopedro95 commented 6 years ago

I made a small script that can be useful for this function with the pgrep command.

Remember that the script is dependent on cron.

Attention: The script can be useful if you use server only for peerflix-server. Because it checks to see if node.js is running. If you have other processes with node.js can of the problem. But who wants to improve the script, feel free.

Let's put in the folder "/root": nano checar-peerflix

Paste the code:

#Script criado por: LPServidor


#Verificar se o peerflix-server está rodando com o node.js

processo=$(pgrep "node")

if pgrep "node" > /dev/null
        echo "O node.js está sendo executado neste momento. Bem provalvel que o peerflix-server esteja funcionando!"
        echo "Número do processo: $processo"
        echo "Não foi detectado nenhum processo do node.js ativo, contudo o peerflix-server não está sendo executado. Tentando ligar...\n"

save and put in cron to run every 1 minute, use the command crontab -e:

* * * * * sh /root/checar-peerflix

Save again.


The script will check every 1 minute whether the node.js is running or not. If you will not try to connect peerflix-server.

Sorry for my English, because I did a free translation on google translator, because I speak Brazilian Portuguese.