asardaes / dtwclust

R Package for Time Series Clustering Along with Optimizations for DTW
GNU General Public License v3.0
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What do the colors and vertical lines mean in plot.TSClusters? #66

Closed maellecoursonnais closed 4 months ago

maellecoursonnais commented 7 months ago


I could not find anything in the documentation about the different colors used in the plots, and the vertical lines. Do they bear some meaningful information? Can you point me to some documentation, or maybe directly answer here?

Here is some reproducible data:


mvc <- tsclust(CharTrajMV, k = 4L, distance = "gak", seed = 390L)
plot(mvc, type = "series")


asardaes commented 7 months ago

The colors are just random to try to make it easier to differentiate between series. The vertical lines separate each variable from a multivariate series.