asascience-open / xarray-subset-grid

Subset Xarray datasets in space
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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We need test datasets / files! #33

Open ChrisBarker-NOAA opened 3 weeks ago

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 3 weeks ago

For the tests, and for development, it's really good to have datasets you can work with without downloading anything.

I think we should have three sets of data / files:

1) really tiny (probably hard coded in Python code) examples of various file types, metadata types, etc, for the tests. These could be hand written, or borrowed from other projects.

There are some in the gridded project:

There are some examples of UGRID and SGRID files and data sets:

2) small-ish real examples -- so far, I've put one UGRID (FVCOM, triangular mesh) example in:


I set up git LFS support, I think that means all *.nc files will be stored in LFS, so we an put medium sized files in there -- but probably don't want to go more than 10MB or so.

There's a bit of a chicken-egg problem there -- how do you make a small file if you don't yet have a tool to subset larger ones with?

But at this point, we do have some working subset code, so I think we could do:

3) larger test files

These could be stored somewhere else, and downloaded on demand -- one option would be in gitHub as releases or packages, or ???

We can also have test code, etc, that points to what we know are stable resources on S3, etc. -- already some of that in the examples.

Maybe have a file in the repo with a set of links to various datasets?

@omkar-334: maybe you could put together a small example or two of ADCIRC (STOFS2D).

ChrisBarker-NOAA commented 3 days ago

Ahh -- and more unit tests would be great -- comprehensive testing is a fantasy, but we can do better than this:

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.12.3-final-0 ----------
Name                                                                                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover
array_subset_grid/             5      0   100%
array_subset_grid/            11      2    82%
array_subset_grid/            57     17    70%
array_subset_grid/                31      9    71%
array_subset_grid/grids/       2      0   100%
array_subset_grid/grids/         79     65    18%
array_subset_grid/grids/        148     51    66%
array_subset_grid/               42      9    79%
TOTAL                                   375    153    59%                                                                                               375    153    59%