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Contact Algogems and check out the conditions for using their API to fetch listed NFTs prices #52

Closed ipaleka closed 2 years ago

ipaleka commented 2 years ago

Rand's NFT price is available through an API that isn't publicly available (offchain data) and we're going to reach them and ask what are conditions for its use.

SCN9A commented 2 years ago

I contacted Algogems on Discord, sent the following message:

Hi Wilder, I hope all is well. I am representing ASA Stats project. I am contacting you to kindly ask about the conditions for using Algogems API to fetch listed NFTs prices. I would appreciate your input on this.

ASA Stats evaluates and presents ASA and NFT price information on the Algorand blockchain. ASA Stats portfolio tracker

Many thanks

SCN9A commented 2 years ago

Got response from Wilder on Discord

I have forwarded this info to our lead dev Audran. TYVM for reaching out

ipaleka commented 2 years ago

Got response from Wilder on Discord

I have forwarded this info to our lead dev Audran. TYVM for reaching out

May you ask for additional information when you get time, sort of follow-up and maybe get direct contact information of the dev?

SCN9A commented 2 years ago

I contacted the lead dev on Discord kilag#8412

Hi Audran, I hope all is well. Wilder may have forwarded my message to you. I am keen to listen to your response. I am representing ASA Stats project. I am contacting you to ask about the conditions for using Algogems API to fetch listed NFTs prices. ASA Stats evaluates and presents the current balance for any wallet address on the Algorand blockchain. An explainer video of ASA Stats portfolio tracker is available on for reference. Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response. Kind Regards. ASA Stats

SCN9A commented 2 years ago

I sent a DM to Wilder on Discord

Hi Wilder, I am just following up on our request to know the conditions for using Algogems API to fetch listed NFT prices. I didn’t get a response from you since we last communicated. I have contacted Audran on Discord on 29 May but did not receive a reply either.

I understand that you and Audran are busy, but I would appreciate Algogem’s input on this. We just wanted to get in a position to see our options. Thank you

I will direct him to the messages. DO you have a TG username I could use?

Hi, thanks for quick response, it is very much appreciated

I am not on TG. You can use our official ASA Stats channel on Github We discuss everything on the channel. Even this message will be broadcasted in the respective thread ( and we'd be delighted if we can discuss anything regarding this.

You can alway reach us on, if there is anything you wish to keep private.


SCN9A commented 2 years ago

Got response from Wilder on Discord

Would you be willing to have a specific dev group on telegram for this integration. I have told Audran once again about this integration, but he insists we use TG.

We do have API’s that NFTx is using, so this is something we can definitely accomplish.

Hi Wilder, Many thanks for taking things forward. I will share this request with Team and get back to you. Can you please send me TG handler so I can share it with our devs. Thank you

ipaleka commented 2 years ago

I'm glad to inform you that guys from Algogems have been very friendly and pointed to the fact that their listed prices are indeed present onchain since they have started using TEAL5. Our first research and implementation happened before that, so we just need to update our research to affect the changes. We'd surely want to use onchain collecting instead depending on API, but it is surely a good thing that we can use their API if we encounter major difficulties.